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Everything posted by S0MBRA

  1. Hey, I'm having a little trouble getting the mod to install. Both the FelineUtilityRover and 000_KerbetrotterTools are in the GameData file. Any suggestions?
  2. I love this mod, but I have an issue. The rear dual OMS doesn't thrust at all and that makes controlling the ship in space very difficult. I'm not sure why, but it has only happened since this patch.
  3. Precisely. It didnt work on Moho as well, so I assume the point is moot.
  4. So, I have an issue with the ChemCam. It works perfectly fine in the KSC area, but as soon as you're on terrain and try to gather data using the laser, it says "No terrain in range" Have tried it with just TSI, with other mods, etc, etc. Very confusing.
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