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  1. The two screenshots you've got are highlighting different experiments on the same part.
  2. I grabbed the github repository & changed the version lock to the current KSP version, and everything seems to work fine except for the lack of textures on planets. If you don't mind that, it's really not anything major. I'm using GPP & it's working so far. Oh, and one section of the runway is missing for no particular reason. But overall, functionally, it seems to be fine.
  3. Issue with KEI. When clicking the button, it does nothing at all. Pastebin here: https://pastebin.com/LywANkUS I only copied the relevant bits, for ease of reading. In my own opinion, it's likely related to me using Kerbalism's "none" profile, though I've no idea why that would be an issue. Thank you for your time.
  4. I know you're busy, but when you've got all the bugs worked out, could I convince you to add kerbalism support? Because I love kerbalism, and almost nothing supports it, and this mod is awesome and I haven't even played with it yet. I'd love it if you could do that. Thanks in advance.
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