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Everything posted by no_intelligence

  1. Thanks! Found this weekly challenge really interesting and as I'm really into planes, I needed to compete And the rule changing I think is ok, because @dundun92 did not have a plane ready. But I would like to point out that mine fits them even with fuel Anyway, can't wait to see your crafts. After scrolling through all the pages I believe they will be interesting
  2. Yeah, I get that point. It's been quite some time of trial and error until I finished my design. But compared to reality, the ratio of weapon mass to plane mass including fuel is really crazy. Anyway, it is possible. At least in KSP
  3. So then, seems I am the first one to enter a craft for this weeks challenge. It is called the "Koeing BK-02", with "BK" standing for "Bomber Kerbini" i guess It weights a total of 35.99 tonnes fully loaded with 3*FLT800 each 4.5t and 1*FLT400 2.25t tanks as bombs. Taking them out of the mass results in an empty weight of 20.24 tonnes including fuel. Yes i overran the limit by 0.24 tonnes, but if you change the large landing gear with medium ones it will result in 19.94 tonnes So I assume this will count. It flies really great and can reach the desert continent at ease and even is able to fly back without dropping the bombs. If they are dropped it may even have an more increased range. Optimum speed is about 800m/s at 11,000 to 12,000 metres height. With this parametres it burns around 0.9 to 1u/s. The max speed I have not tested, just reached arount 1100m/s or so before aborted. The craft can be found here: https://kerbalx.com/no_intelligence/Koeing-BK-02 Btw.: It is build completely with stock parts, I even haven't got any mods installed... Here are some pictures and a short story of the flight:
  4. Yeah. 20t empty is a real challenge, especially with the given minimum range. Maybe @dundun92 should clarify if empty means including or excluding fuel. My current build weights 17t including fuel, got also 16.25t payload but only reaches the desert continent and cannot fly back. Therefore it hits 1200+ m/s. My build i mentioned yesterday would suit all requirements but is a lot heavier. About 130t with 40 or 50t payload and a range of bit more than 1/2 Kerbin at a max speed of 1350+ m/s.
  5. Sounds great. I accidently built one today without knowing about the challenge... If you will define the specs more I will take a look if my craft suits them and put it on here.
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