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Everything posted by HighFructose

  1. Ok, sorry, was confused. I like the look of those, maybe I could make them display some bars that show fuel and oxidizer, and electric charge. Maybe one for each,,and I could make it flash red when it's low, or the master caution could do that.
  2. I'm confused what those are for... I'm looking for 7 segments.
  3. I've found some yellow ones, which look Amber enough to me. https://www.adafruit.com/product/811
  4. Well, I'll try to take a shot at it, but I probably won't figure it out. Never worked with KSP plugins before, but I'll try.
  5. Thanks, I'll look for other ones too, maybe a red one. Wait, actually just found this, and this, which looks more "abort-y" to me. It's a little bit more expensive, but I really like those kind of buttons. EDIT: was just trying to come to my Kindle to Telemachus and it keeps saying "refused to connect," but I'm wondering if there is a better way to go about doing this. Does anyone know of a way to make a Navball appear on my kindle screen? I can't think of anything other than Telemachus.
  6. Wow, I'll definitely look into yellow displays. And I'll see about the slide potentiometer as well. And that is basically exactly what I was thinking for the terrain alarm, I do want to put a speaker that does the whole "terrain, terrain!" Thing as well. I think arduino can control speakers with a sheild, but I don't even have one yet! So I don't know really. I see your typeface for the labels is mostly Futura, but I don't want to spend $30 bucks on a font for this project, do you know of similar typefaces? I would like to label everything in a font like that.
  7. Okay, I've been starting to think about what my short term and long term goals should be, since I won't do it all at the same time. Ive split the project into 3 phases so far. First phase: Navball on Kindle fire, SAS, RCS, brake, gear, lights, and Stage and abort. This will also include a potentiometer as a throttle. This will be assembled on a basic wood platform probably wired on the breadboard, so basically the prototype phase. I'm going to need to get the arduino in this part too. Next will be the building of the panel itself. this phase will be the alarms, and the action group keypad, and the 7 segments. Last will be the finishing touches with the throttle, joysticks, and wiring everything onto protoboards, or I might go get some custom PCBs, but I'm not sure into planning this phase. Phase one shopping list: With these phases, I'm going to try to keep the cost of each expansion around $50, but I'll go over that probably. There's only 2 weeks till school so I'm not sure if I should start this summer, and get some stuff done in phase 1, or wait until next summer. I guess I could do it on the weekends too, but I don't know yet.
  8. Can this plugin toggle fine controls? I'm thinking of using This for my panel, and I want the button on top to toggle fine controls. Thanks.
  9. First off, thanks for the input. I'm into commercial aviation and I would like to have a button I could press to turn off the alarm, like on commercial aircraft, I'm thinking of doing a little anonciator panel that would just be LEDs, but I want these two to be special. I will defiantly start small and make it better, possibly a modular approach to the panel. EDIT: I was just using cardboard to make a rough diagram of how much space I'll have, and I ran into a problem. The kindle will be behind a bracket that covers the bezel of the screen, and I can't go inside and turn on the kindle via the on switch. My genius idea is to use a toggle switch that interrupts the micro USB's cable that goes to the charging port, so I can turn on the kindle by "plugging it in" since whenever it receives power, it turns on. EDIT EDIT: does anyone know where I can find amber colored 7 segments? They're used in commercial cockpits but they are pretty much nonexistent, exept for SINGLE DIGIT ones for $23! I guess I might have to go with blue, I guess it would be easier to find anyways.
  10. Perfect, I will be looking for mega starter kits then, also, just tried to use Telemachus (used the 1.3 port by @mikelikes, (https://github.com/mikelikes/Telemachus/releases/tag/v1.5.2-ksp1.3) and it connected to my computer, but I couldn't figure it out for my Kindle. Also, does anyone know of a 1.3 port for Houston? (https://github.com/tcannonfodder/houston) because I want it for the navball. As far as I know, basic Telemachus doesn't have a navball, and that is what I need it for. Also, I'm looking for toggle switches, and I'm not sure what type to buy, I'm thinking on/off ones, but I'm not sure at all. I also found perfect buttons for the master caution and terrain: https://www.adafruit.com/product/491 it's 30mm, I can put a label on it, and I can change out the LEDs to a different color. for the throttle, I would like to use a t-bar fader, but I can't find one on Amazon for cheap. Anyone know of other solutions for a throttle? EDIT: I've found this mega starter kit, seems like it's good enough to get me going, and I can use some of the parts on he actual controller. https://www.amazon.com/SunFounder-Project-Starter-Tutorial-Mega2560/dp/B00D9NPP1E not sure if it's good brand, but seems alright.
  11. Which arduino board would be best for a project like this? I'm thinking the Uno, but maybe the Mega is better.
  12. I'm wanting to connect it to my kindle fire for a navball. I'm presuming the navball is streamed?
  13. Ok, thanks for your input! I was planning on definitely spreading out the purchasing of the components. I'm thinking a modular setup might be the way to go here, or something that is easily expandable. By the way, your project is really awesome. That project is really what inspired me to start thinking about creating this controller.
  14. So after seeing @richfiles, and @stibbons controllers, I've started thinking about maybe (key word maybe) making one of these things. Bear in mind that I have no experience with arduino, or anything other than wiring motors and lights to batterys. Here are my basic ideas. Please tell me if some really aren't possible. Kindle fire for streaming navball from Telemachus 7 segment displays for velocity, altitude, apo/periapsis Joysticks for rotation/translation Toggle switches for SAS, RCS, and etc keypad for action groups, maybe a gutted computer numpad Stage button, one of those buttons with the clear cover for abort action group Master caution, like when my ship reaches critical temperature I don't know if this is possibe, but a terrain alarm, with a button that would light up and yell "terrain!" at you, if the ship is under a certain altitude, going above a certain speed throttle lever ??? I might add more to this list, remember that this is all in my head, and I don't know all that much about electronics, so keep that in mind. The main problem about this is money, as I'm not an adult, and I don't have a job. I would love to make this dream a reality, but we'll see...
  15. @SquaadZulu, I'm going to try for Insane, who wouldn't? I'm getting ideas already for the craft. Is KER and MechJeb allowed?
  16. I think the mod you're thinking about is FMRS, @SquaadZulu. I will definitely try this tommorow. I'm a fan of reusable rockets, as you can tell by my profile picture.
  17. Wow, most of this is over my head, but I am glad this project is still alive. I can't imagine how cool playing the game on this will be for you. One question, about how much will this project end up costing? (If you're comfortable saying of course)
  18. Do you mean CDO? The correct alphabetical order of the letters? Sorry, I had to. thought I saw joke on a different thread, INGNORE this and carry on.
  19. I agree @CaptainTrebor. I think Jool needs procedurally generated asteroid moons. In a retrograde orbit would be even cooler, how much more delta-v would it require though?
  20. I've fixed the pictures, take a look!
  21. I think a ring system would be really cool, It would be even cooler if the asteroids could be seen from afar, so you could see them while flying in the Jool system.
  22. HighFructose


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