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Everything posted by HighFructose

  1. I really liked it but there was one part that was really confusing and weird: the whole mirror thing that Rey touched after dropping through the dark hole. I didn’t see it connect to the plot at all.
  2. This thread is great its funny for some reason
  3. All of these ideas could work but the issue is actually making the port. We don’t want another console catastrophe... Well I can’t remember exactly where I found the info, but the Core i7-4700MQ is clocked at 2.4 ghz, and the A11 chip in the iPhone 8 has a 2.4ghz clock speed. However, the i7 is an x86 chip and the A11 is an ARM processor. Here’s a semi-decent article about the iPhone vs a MacBook Pro in geek bench. https://9to5mac.com/2017/09/22/iphone-8-geekbench-test-scores/
  4. Well I think current hardware could maybe actually run KSP barely. For example, the iPhone 8 has a 2.4ghz 6 core processor which is comparable to some laptops. The problem is controls though. There would have to be an external controler to have enough inputs to play. And there’s the problem of getting it to run on an ARM processor, and not making KSP max the devices RAM.
  5. @Rocket Witch, Isnt the FX8350 4 cores 4 threads??
  6. @NateisKerbal 4.6 ghz!!!!111oneone thats insane.
  7. @meatballcannon, do you need a laptop? And what does relatively inexpensive mean? Like $500, or $300? Because a laptop with a dedicated graphics card can run around 600-1000 dollars. For 500, you could build a decent PC, but if you need a laptop, then be warned you'll have to pay more.
  8. I love reusable rockets! I normally have an ssto lifter and then I'll strap some solids on if I have to get that extra delta v. Then I'll leave the first stage in orbit until I rendezvous or finish my primary mission. Then I'll pilot the first stage down and I can normally land on the KSC peninsula, but sometimes I land in the desert. I do recommend trajectories, and other than that, just practice a whole bunch.
  9. Oh goodness, I didn't expect this meme to become an ANGRY SNOOZE, as said by @NSEP. to everyone who thinks the meme isn't funny because it is technically correct, it's funny because whoever made the meme must have thought you must go straight up to reach orbit. (At least, that's what I find funny)
  10. It's implying that space is straight up, and nasa is wrong to go sideways. It's saying that nasa fakes all rocket launches because the earth is flat.
  11. Just saying, I am not a flat earther, I just thought it was funny since you have to go sideways to go into orbit
  12. Exactly. I guess the creator of this meme didn't think about KSP players getting their hands on it. And yes, it came up when I searched flat earth memes.....
  13. I must have installed incorrectly when I tried it. Thanks!
  14. Does anyone know of a replacement for Infernal Robotics? Is there an unofficial patch or something? I've seen Konstruction! but I'm not sure if its exactly what I want. You can download the parts just fine but there is no way to control them. Oh yeah, I use 1.3
  15. I just finished landing a rover and lander on Eeloo. The tiny rover was connected with a Jr. docking port. As soon as I undocked the rover, it started spinning uncontrollably. I turned on SAS and it got worse. The rover spun around like a tornado, breaking its own solar panels and taking out 2 of the 4 on the lander. I finally slowed it down by turning off torque. I looked at the rover to investigate, the front wheels were somehow turned 90 degrees of center. The rover is now impossible to drive because the wheels are borked. I will put a screenshot of the aftermath later, but any ideas of what might have happened?
  16. That is strange. Unfortunately you may need to uninstall all mods and put them back one by one, to find out the problem mod(s).
  17. I haven't looked through all of the pages, so sorry if this has been asked before. Me and my friends have a server, and we want to do a space race competition, so we want to have different launch sites. Can we use KerbinSide and Kerbal Konstructs to set up bases that we can launch from? And if so, do we just all install the mod and run the server?
  18. Underneath the post, there is a line, and there is a signature. He is linking this thread:
  19. I was playing realism overhaul, and using AJE. I used the engine that is like the engine that looks like the whiplash. As I flew up to 10,000 or so meters, the jet plume was expanding. I believe it is using the aerospike plume, but it got me wondering: do jet exhaust plumes expand like rocket plumes? I would think yes, because the ambient pressure at that altitude would be fairly low, and the exhaust would expand.
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