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Jared Smythe

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Everything posted by Jared Smythe

  1. I just started up RSS RO again after a long time and I am attempting science mode. However I'm running into a big issue from the start. When I collect science from the aerobee sounding rocket it says "data not stored, not enough space on hard drive." I even tried using a kerbal at the launch pad to collect it and it still comes up with the same problem. Any ideas on how to fix this? Or what I need to add to the rocket?
  2. I was missing community category kit. Thank you for the help. Works great now!
  3. Recently I tried to install TACLS using the most recent version of Ckan. It seemed to install just fine. When I enter the game the life support monitor shows up but when I enter the VAB non of the parts are there. I am in science mode so I thought maybe I hadn't unlocked the parts but the parts don't show up in the tech tree either. I checked the GameData folder and all the parts show up there so I am very lost as to why the parts aren't showing up in game. Maybe its because I am using venstock revamp?
  4. I'm using Mechjeb 2 in RSS and it works great except for one thing, mechjeb loves to shut down my engines before my fuel runs out. I've looked through the forums and have concluded that it must be because mechjeb 2 has a coast phase when my apoapsis gets to the edge of space. On the mechjeb wiki it says that this coast phase can be edited or edited out, however I can not find where to do this. Anyone know how this is done? Also any other tips you guys have that you have found helpful would be great as I am fairly new to mechjeb 2 and RSS.
  5. I am just getting into messing around in RSS with realism overhaul. I'm fairly confident I got it installed correctly and is running fine. However, when it comes to getting anything to orbit, I simply can't. Even using the Atlas rocket I fail. One big issue is that my engines are burning out long before my fuel is used up and I'm not sure why. Any helpful tips or video suggestions to help me out would be greatly appreciated!
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