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Everything posted by DAL59

  1. https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2019-03/miop-prt031119.php This is a very interesting study, though I have to admit the title is very, very sensationalist. Scientists were able to revert an electron to a lower entropy quantum state that it was in .1 nanoseconds ago.
  2. What is the maximum page size a thread can have? The what did you do in ksp today thread is nearing 2k pages, will it have to be closed at some point?
  3. 37 (+) @The_Arcitect @GRS @KerbalExplorer @Apeture March 3 @lapis March 6 @The_Cat_In_Space Wednesday at 07:04 PM @c4ooo @Boorang Friday at 02:46 PM @Barzon Kerman Saturday at 06:12 AM @Mrcarrot Sunday at 02:35 PM @CaptainCuttlefish Sunday at 08:26 PM @ARS @Kerballing (Got Dunked On) 20 hours ago @Lo Var Lachland
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