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Posts posted by Tonas1997

  1. Any news on RealETNOs?

    EDIT: I just saw your new mod thread and I understand the decision to halt the development of Real Expansion. If that's okay with you, would you mind explaining what specific stability improvements you were making to the modpack? I want to try and make the rest of them more stable - for personal use, obviously.

    For instance, by comparing the current version of RealMoons with an older release I can see some PQS nodes were erased (ex: Adrastea):

      seed = 3339067
      octaves = 3
      persistence = 0.5
      deformity = 10
      frequency = 3
      order = 12
      enabled = true
      seed = 45
      deformity = 20
      frequency = 5
      lacunarity = 2.5
      persistence = 0.5
      octaves = 2
      noiseType = RiggedMultifractal
      mode = Low
      order = 13
      enabled = true


  2. This is kind of a trivia/implementation question, but I've seen some people discussing how hard it is to implement signal delay with a bunch of different mods - ergo part modules - as you need to capture and cache each of their actions (deployable science from DMagic, starting or configuring KSPI/NF reactors and engines, and so on) via hardcoding.

    Is this accurate, or could I expect Signal Delay to play well with a lot of different mods? I can test it, but I wanted to know beforehand how it'd work.

  3. Hmm... I think this is how I'd add scatters...

    	altitudeBlend = 0.1
    	altitudeFrequency = 12
    	altitudeOctaves = 2
    	altitudePersistance = 0.6
    	altitudeSeed = 12249
    	createColors = True
    	createScatter = True
    	heightMap = BUILTIN/Home2 (G) for Aster
    	latitudeBlend = 0.1
    	latitudeFrequency = 5
    	latitudeOctaves = 5
    	latitudePersistance = 0.6
    	latitudeSeed = 47373
    	longitudeBlend = 0.6
    	longitudeFrequency = 4
    	longitudeOctaves = 4
    	longitudePersistance = 0.6
    	longitudeSeed = 768453
    	useHeightMap = False
    	vHeightMax = 40000
    	order = 999
    	enabled = True
    	name = _LandClassOcean
    			materialType = DiffuseWrapped
    			material = BUILTIN/scatter_rock_kerbin
    			mesh = BUILTIN/boulder
    			castShadows = True
    			densityFactor = 0.25
    			maxCache = 512
    			maxCacheDelta = 64
    			maxLevelOffset = 0
    			maxScale = 1.5
    			maxScatter = 10
    			maxSpeed = 200
    			minScale = 0.15
    			recieveShadows = True
    			name = boulder
    			seed = 123887
    			verticalOffset = -0.25
    			instancing = False
    			delete = False
    				mainTex = BUILTIN/rock00
    				color = 1,1,1,0.621999979
    				diff = 0.2
    			alterApparentHeight = 0
    			alterRealHeight = 0
    			color = 0.180000007,0.100000001,0.0700000003,1
    			coverageBlend = 1
    			coverageFrequency = 2
    			coverageOctaves = 4
    			coveragePersistance = 0.5
    			coverageSeed = 121214
    			name = BaseSun
    			latDelta = 1
    			latitudeDouble = True
    			lonDelta = 0
    			minimumRealHeight = 0
    			noiseBlend = 0.5
    			noiseColor = 0.280000001,0.100000001,0.0700000003,1
    			noiseFrequency = 8
    			noiseOctaves = 4
    			noisePersistance = 0.5
    			noiseSeed = 453737
    			delete = False
    				endEnd = 1
    				endStart = 1
    				startEnd = -1
    				startStart = -1
    				endEnd = 1
    				endStart = 1
    				startEnd = 0
    				startStart = 0
    				endEnd = 1
    				endStart = 1
    				startEnd = 0
    				startStart = 0
    				endEnd = 0.5
    				endStart = 0.5
    				startEnd = 0
    				startStart = 0
    					density = 1
    					scatterName = boulder
    					delete = False

    ...but goddamn, I can't find any documentation for any these fields! Why are there even two scatters nodes?! :D

  4. 12 hours ago, KerikBalm said:

    I only know how to add pre-existing scatters to a new planet (like making hte trees normally only found on Kerbin appear on Duna), but I know of at least one mod that adds entirely new terrain scatters (or are they BG surface features? I don't know) - and I do not know how to do that.

    And what I do know what to do, my understanding is a bit fuzzy on some points.

    I understood well enough for this though:

      Reveal hidden contents

    To my mod world rald, I added grass tufts that appear underwater and at low elevation:


    With grey rocks that appearing at the same elevation (and higher)






    Red duna rocks that appear at the higher elevations




    And I've tried trees too, but I ultimately cut them.



    LMZGKYb.pngand I made a mod adding small asteroids in orbits similar to Dres... my first attempt at giving them scatter had the density way too high.



    Thanks! I'm trying to add terrain scatter to the RSS bodies, but I'm completely clueless on how to do that. Trying to land on Europa's penitentes would be a proper challenge...

  5. 8 hours ago, KerikBalm said:

    I only know how to add pre-existing scatters to a new planet (like making hte trees normally only found on Kerbin appear on Duna), but I know of at least one mod that adds entirely new terrain scatters (or are they BG surface features? I don't know) - and I do not know how to do that.

    And what I do know what to do, my understanding is a bit fuzzy on some points.

    I understood well enough for this though:

      Hide contents

    To my mod world rald, I added grass tufts that appear underwater and at low elevation:


    With grey rocks that appearing at the same elevation (and higher)






    Red duna rocks that appear at the higher elevations




    And I've tried trees too, but I ultimately cut them.



    LMZGKYb.pngand I made a mod adding small asteroids in orbits similar to Dres... my first attempt at giving them scatter had the density way too high.



    Thanks! I'm thinking about adding terrain scatters to RSS, but I'm a bit clueless on how to do that. From what I understand, Kopernicus also allows us to enable scatter colliders; trying to land on Europa's penitentes would be... interesting, to say the least :D

  6. 11 hours ago, Mandella said:

    I'm also having this problem in 1.8.1. I'm not sure what KST is though, but I have about a hundred other mods. Could you show an example of which file to edit and how?

    KCT stands for Kerbal Construction Time which, besides adding construction times to your rockets, also allows you to manage multiple pads. Both mods play well-ish together, with Kerbal Konstructs' own pads being recognized by KCT.

    Anyways, to open your pads, just go to GameData > KerbalKonstructs > NewInstances and look for the launchpad config file. Open it and it should look something like this:

    	pointername = TLC_36
    		UUID = 11311ff1-14d5-40d9-9a8c-9da830e1a8b7
    		CelestialBody = Earth
    		RelativePosition = -11.3860998,-2.66599989,-5.51499987
    		Orientation = 0,170,0
    		isScanable = False
    		ModelScale = 1
    		VisibilityRange = 25000
    		Group = LC-1
    		GrasColor = 0,0,0,0
    			FacilityType = KKLaunchSite
    			OpenCost = 0
    			CloseValue = 0
    			FacilityName = 
    			LaunchPadTransform = TSC_36_spawn
    			LaunchSiteName = LVP-1
    			LaunchSiteAuthor = Damon
    			LaunchSiteType = VAB
    			LaunchSiteDescription = Tundra's Launch Complex 36
    			LaunchSiteLength = 7
    			LaunchSiteWidth = 7
    			LaunchSiteHeight = 50
    			MaxCraftMass = 50
    			MaxCraftParts = 250
    			InitialCameraRotation = 90
    			ILSIsActive = False
    			ToggleLaunchPositioning = False
    			OpenCloseState = Closed
    			LaunchSiteIsHidden = False
    			Category = RocketPad
    			GrassMeshName = TE_GRASS
    			MaterialOffset = 0
    			GrassColor = 0.284799993,0.340900004,0.204600006,1
    			NearGrassTexture = BUILTIN:/terrain_grass00_new
    			NearGrassTiling = 0.150000006
    			NearGrassGrayScale = False
    			FarGrassTexture = BUILTIN:/terrain_grass00_new_detail
    			FarGrassTiling = 0.00700000022
    			FarGrassBlendDistance = 110
    			FarGrassGrayScale = False
    			TarmacTexture = BUILTIN:/ksc_exterior_terrain_asphalt
    			TarmacColor = 1,1,1,1
    			TarmacTiling = 100,100
    			TarmacTileRandom = False
    			TarmacGrayScale = False
    			BlendMaskTexture = TundraSpaceCenter/Pads/TSC_36/TLC_36_Mask

    Just change OpenClosedState to "Open" and you're good to go :D

  7. 3 hours ago, Nightside said:

    Works for me, but I’m not using KCT at the moment.

    Are you able to select a launchpad in the VAB?

    Yup. I mean, I can open (and select) new launchpads from the VAB but they don't remain open when I come back. Also, if I try to brute-force it by closing the vanilla pad, only opening the new one and selecting it, it still takes me to the vanilla pad...

    EDIT: after further testing, it does appear that opening the pads from the VAB is completely broken. I was only able to launch on a new pad once I physically edited the  instance file itself. Even after opening the pad in-game and closing KSP, I get this:

    OpenCloseState = Closed


  8. 1 hour ago, "Our Benefactors" said:

    Haha sounds good then! I've been drowning in school work at the moment so I might be a while on RealTNOs update release. Are you playing realism overhaul?

    Yup :D

    I like having more long-term goals such as exploring beyond Neptune or even interstellar colonization 

  9. Is it possible for a CONTRACT_GROUP node to have multiple agents? I want to, for instance, make it so that contracts on group "Satellites" are randomly assigned by a pool of agencies based on real-life satellite providers, but all the examples I find only contain one agency per CONTRACT_GROUP. 

    CONTRACT_TYPE, on the other hand, allows for a random contractor to be assigned by omitting the "agent" field. My question is: will this selection be made from the entire set of agencies, or is it possible to specify a subset?

  10. 10 hours ago, "Our Benefactors" said:

    Oh I thought I fixed that :P

    That'll be a fairly easy fix I can integrate over the course of patching, and I can probably get the ones I've released fixed by tomorrow :D

    I'll see about doing RealTNOs tomorrow as well. All the framework and textures are written, they just need tweaking. I was trying to decide on which to do yet. I'd love to see some screenshots of you playing RealMoons. Some of Jupiter and Saturn's moons give really pretty views if you play with RSSVE

    lmao, you might have to wait a while :P I'm playing career and still trying to do unmanned lunar landings... but my first probe to the outer planets will probably be part of a grand tour-esque mission!

  11. Damn, that was quick! Can't wait for TNOs, but I'll test RealMoons right away!

    Also a minor thing: for those of us playing with RealExoplanets, could the textures folder be renamed to something like RealExpansionTextures to avoid confusion? REX also stores its textures in a folder named "REX-Textures", which leads to files ending up disorganized.

  12. 1 minute ago, SpaceFace545 said:

    Regular KSP doesn’t even need a gpu to run decently-emphasis on decently.

    I have an MX150 which, with scatterer and EVE on RSS, reaches 20+ in the atmosphere and 40+ in space. I reckon KSP2 would be able to natively render those sorts of graphics even faster with optimizations. Those predicted requirements shouldn't be taken as accurate, imo.

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