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Everything posted by Glitchgamer12

  1. ... Is made of sea salt My cool lookin skateboard...
  2. I have another contribution EDIT: Sasly it won't load here's the link:https://www.imageshack.us/user/Glitchgamer12
  3. Oh I have a crazy/funny story about China I was walking with some friends down a street, and this street is pretty populated. And I see a homeless guy take off his pants in the middle of the sidewalk, and everything, yep, EVERYTHING. And he went (as in bathroom) right there. China is sometimes weird, most of the time really. (0-0) Now that you guys are traumatized, have a great day.
  4. Well today I was looking on taobao (a chineese eBay/amazon) for tackle boxes for separating my Legos, and I found this:
  5. Some old sketches I made I while back - oh and some more I found: That XD face I made is a little too creepy :| I didn't show all of my work because I don't want to be a "show off". But here's one more
  6. When I was 12 I got a steam acc, but the "Glitchgamer" part was because of a couple games I found some weird bugs, haven't been living up to the name recently My old Logo:
  7. Well day 3 arrived quicker than imagined, what I amagined was me in a dark room with padded walls running in to them :| But yesterday was great and I beleave today is going to be great too, also since we are having friends over more! Now if I only had a Grill, but where would I put it?......

  8. I love your PFP :D 

    1. TheSaint


      Thanks. It was actually a logo from a recipe contest that Oscar Meyer ran almost 20 years ago. I loved it so much I cut it out of the package and tacked it up on my fridge. I've kept it through four house moves now. My wife actually hates bacon, every time I put it up she groans about it, and I'm all, "I have ONE decoration in this entire kitchen. Deal with it."

    2. Glitchgamer12


      Haha, for some reason girls are very picky about decoration. Like my mom, she rearranges the house every 2 months :D 

  9. Remember all the cool old lego sets? And then you could never get them all in time before there replaced by others
  10. Look here, it has already been made :http://steamcommunity.com/app/220200/images/?searchText=Lego&browsefilter=toprated&filterLanguage=default
  11. Probly will happen to me after 1 week lol although I deleted my games Also I am not running away from the future. Because I was addicted to video games, I wanted to clear my mind for awhile.
  12. Sadly both are banned in China, I HATE CHINA FIREWALL!
  13. I Justin spent 2 hours marveling Pages 1-6 and 25-30 you guys are good! I'm gonna whip up something now because of the inspiration!
  14. ...Smells really bad my rocket has one booster...
  15. Granted, but they build wither statues that destroys the entire world. I wish I could make the best sandwich
  16. What in the world is a nooblet, but anyway I'll try this out. Granted, but Kirby gets spontaneously destroyed by something out of nowhere. I wish I was a dubstep artist LOL, I THOUGHT PAGE 6 WAS THE LAST! Granted, but then the developers left the game because they didn't have any ideas left and they had money. I wish I was a dubstep artist
  17. Last thing I binged was tackle boxes for my legos Soooooooo....... idk, spam tackle boxes at them? Lol me too
  18. I'm challenging myself to leave the computer for 4 months. (Because I beleave games are good hobbies. but it's not life, just an "addon" if you get what I mean) But during that time I will still post updates on my iPad (hopefully) each day. Also to make it fair I deleted all my games on my iPad as well.(maby except candy crush....) You can get updates from my profile if you are interested in how it goes. If anyone wants to attempt this too they are welcome! So far my goal is 4 months. So wish me luck!
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