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Everything posted by Glitchgamer12

  1. DAY 2 OF NO COMPUTER - it's Thursday September the 7th 9:33AM , 1/2 done with sorting my legos, also its very messy in the living room. Kinda missing KSP right now. I have so many ideas of what I want to build, but sadly no ability to build it. Getting hungry........

    1. Glitchgamer12


      I'm making it a goal to go without games for a few months, wish me luck!

  2. Dropbox is banned in China Also I'm absent from my computer for a few months, but this info is very useful for other people
  3. I will be away from my PC for a few months, but I will still post from my IPad. :) 

  4. I remember there was a post with old KSP versions in it for free download, can some one direct me to it?
  5. Now that's an interesting design! When I get back I'll try that out. Also how would you arrange them? Can I get a close up view of the bearings?
  6. Thanks everyone for being so welcome! Its overwhelming!
  7. What do you mean by RCS balls? You mean the place anywhere linear RCS ports? EDIT: I'll get some pics tommarow,, right now it's 10:21
  8. So i need some advice on how to make turret mounts and bearings, currently i am using a hollow liquid fuel tube and a separator at the bottom and then putting octagon struts in to make a "hinge" kinda thing. But when i load my craft it sadly tilts horribly, so i tightened it and it just glitched out Any help would be great!
  9. This isn't something fancy but this is my first try at making a stock dumb fire missile: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1124307395 Just 4 fins, 8 SRB's, and a short I-beam Also how do i upload a GIF to here?
  10. I didn't find anything in there that was really relevant to Turret mounts or bearings
  11. Wow! If that was all from memory, that was great! Oh and I have a question, what's the best way to make turret mounts from stock?
  12. Hello! I have been playing Kerbal Space Program for about 1 year. Even though it may sound like a long time I still have a lot to learn, like actually returning from the mün. (Also I might add that your guys's emoticons are awesome) But I have been looking around the forums for awhile and wanted badly to join, but sadly the confirmation/antibot system seems to be blocked by my country's firewall so, I figured that I ask one of my close friends to make an acc for me. so here I am! So if you guys have any advanced tips n tricks for a not as noobish player that would be great! Your new member Glitchgamer12
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