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Everything posted by DjPreside

  1. Hi, could I ask if GPP is going to be updated to the latest version on CKAN? Last version appears to be 1.5.3. P.S.: Thank you @Galileo for this great work!
  2. Just downloaded on 1.3.1, it works, even if when you launch the game it says that it's incompatible. I don't know if it has bugs because of this but it's working for me.
  3. To be added to @Atubara‘s amazing work. The instructions written in my drawing are more or less the same things written in the previous post. Don’t even try to read mine, I wrote them in archaic italian, and mirrored to imitate Leonardo’s writing. WARNING: This is NOT a rule34 drawing AT ALL. This is just a study to draw more or less correctly a Kerbal using proportions. Please be civil, I hope that you can apreciate it.
  4. Drawn for a dear friend, here’s to you Cheyenne Kerman! 16:9 4K version.
  5. That’s a beautiful project, keep up the great work! P.S.: Your Italian flag has the strong approval of an Italian. Very cool!
  6. This mod is priceless! Thank you for making it!
  7. Yes I did, he was the very first to see it!
  8. Hullo! It's Scott Kerman here (and Skye too)! Thanks to @Atubara for his advices, I had so much fun drawing this!
  9. As I've said, that's super cool and helpful. Your drawing is self-explanatory, but if you want you could do something about very small details! It would be amazing for example to see the anatomic structure of a Kerbal! I've seen a lot of them, rarely satisfying.
  10. Made heavily modifying a picture from Lake Maggiore, Italy. That rocket is a rescue one, and it's supposed to liftoff from an underwater launch facility.
  11. This is mine. I've been using this for two years, if you've never had one this is one of the best for you. Even if I should say that you're actually really good with the mouse!
  12. This is a small tribute to Valentina Terershkova, made with Valentina Kerman's kind help... There are also other versions of this, just with different effects and colours. And a comparison one, just to remind you the original!
  13. My first post here! A World beyond Kerbin version 2, a Valentina Kerman art by DjPreside.


    I hope I'm doing everything right, I still have to learn! This is just a variant of my favourite art. Just wanted to try the forum, and in the meanwhile I hope that someone will enjoy this image with eyes-punching colors. See you orbiting around!

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