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  1. Я конечно не особо осведомлен как все это работает, могу только предполагать. Гипотетически можно заранее отправить корабль, ведь место приземления ступени должно быть известно, с некоторой погрешностью но известно. И еще такой вопрос, насколько герметичны уязвимые к воде системы?
  2. Ну это как мне кажется только если ступень проведет в воде очень много времени.
  3. Тоже построил возвращаемую ракету. Основной ускоритель Colossus MK-1H Стоимость самого ускорителя без топлива 1,069,752, из них Стейдж Рековери возвращает 850 тысяч. Второй ускоритель для вывода на орбиту Titan MK-1L Стоимость без топлива 295,366, из них возвращается примерно 220 штук. Этот кусочек приходиться сажать вручную. Вся ракета в сборе: Грузоподъемность в районе 850 тонн, не уверен потому что конкретно этот вариант ракеты еще не опробовал, предыдущий вариант вытолкнул груз весом 850 тонн. Груз доставленный на орбиту одним из вариантов этой ракеты.
  4. It looks great and functional. I have a question, will you fix the compatibility of the modules with the KIS? I'm currently using KIS and Universal Storage, I re-written the code a little so that I could carry backpacks. In the mod something that does not work. What is now there, EVA-X not displayed: What I did, I do not know how correct this is, but it seems to work:
  5. @Daishi As far as I understand, the content that you showed is not ready yet? )) I'm preparing my kerbals for a mission on Laythe, it will take a lot of water and food supplie. We will wait until the equipment is ready.
  6. This possibility already exists in the stock game, in my opinion it would be easier to adapt the mod to the existing mechanics.
  7. I meant myself, I can be inside the ship and look through the eyes of the pilot, and I can be outside, and looking at the portraits of the crew. )))
  8. I apologize if it is not clearly explained, this is not my native language. )) I meant that it would be great if your mod was connected with the original values and complemented them. Your wonderful mod allows my to look at the G-Force effect with the pilot's eyes, and the original system allows my to understand what happens to the crew outside the ship, and it would be great if they worked together.
  9. Obtain a funny situation, the original overload shows the effect outside the vehicle, but do not show inside the vehicle, your mod shows the effect inside the vehicle but does not show outside. And they are not compatible. ((
  10. I apologize for not writing a topic. I wanted to ask for your help about the mod BDynamics Mk22 Cockpits v1.1. Author seems to have abandoned the mod, and the last update was made by another person. but something went wrong and there was such an unpleasant bug: In the old version of mod, this bug was not. I tried to replace the files and found out that the reason is in the file BDMk22.dll, if i replace it with a file from the old version then this error disappears, but the monitor does not work. : ((( I dig deeper inside the source code and found that the files are almost identical, the difference is only in one line. In the new version, this: float radarAlt = Mathf.Clamp((float)(vessel.mainBody.GetAltitude(vessel.CoM) - vessel.terrainAltitude), 0, (float)vessel.altitude); In the old, it is: float radarAlt = Mathf.Clamp((float)(vessel.mainBody.GetAltitude(vessel.findWorldCenterOfMass())-vessel.terrainAltitude), 0, (float)vessel.altitude); But as far as I understand it's just getting altitude for the monitor, this can not affect the visual display in any way? You are well versed in this topic, I wanted to ask you, maybe you will tell the direction, because I do not understand what the reason may be. (( I will be very grateful for any help. ) P.S. I apologize for the bad english, this is not my native language.
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