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Posts posted by Nightguard

  1. 7 hours ago, panzer1b said:

    Actually cfgs wont help since the effect is baked into teh newer 3d models implemented a few updates ago that are responsible for rendering the explosion effect when any HE round impacts a target.


    I actually managed to fix my problem by removing the current explosion fx and replacing them with the ones from way back in the day which were less laggy and actually looked better to begin with (imo).


    Above is what it is with current models



    This is what it looks like using the super old ones from bahamuto.  Both models have a "light_spot" entity present, but the old models make that effect dissapear much quicker leading to little if any lag unless you are looking at like 10+ vulcans firing simultaneously (in which case it lage either way but is much better then b4 when but 2 vulcans is unbearable levels of lag).

    i love how we are so kerbal by playing modded ksp on potato pc's, disclaimer, im not saying mine is good, i have like core i3 and 4gb ram only ok. I experience the  l a g  too.

  2. Here's mine, ... mine look horrible tho, anyway, im trying to make a jet for a competition, each different jet is an attempt, the next attempt would be better than the last ones.




    my latest attempt:



    It could beat the my last attempt, the one that's similar to an f15.

  3. 1 hour ago, GDJ said:

    Yes, in my youth I had luscious locks of lovely hair.........now I don't.

    Klesh is accurate. Alternate method is take off normally from the KSC runway, take heading 180 for 5 km, then take heading 265 at 3000 m ASL until you reach the Pyramids if you have a low flier, above 6000m for a spirited plane.

    yeah, i already found it, its within the mountains in the west desert

  4. 17 hours ago, Nightguard said:

    uuhh im experiencing an issue with the radar cross section of my quinjet.

    the first two boxes seem normal, but the third one includes the entire hangar in the cross section.


    KSP: 1.4.4

    modulemanager: 3.0.7



    airplane plus

    community resource pack


    interstellar fuel switch

    rastor prop monitor

    kerbal joint reinforcement

    patch manager

    physics range exender

    quiztech aero continued


    vessel mover


    im sure everything is installed properly, and i get i feeling mk2 half parts (from airplane plus) are involved in the bug.

    it still happens, anyone?

  5. uuhh im experiencing an issue with the radar cross section of my quinjet.

    the first two boxes seem normal, but the third one includes the entire hangar in the cross section.


    KSP: 1.4.4

    modulemanager: 3.0.7



    airplane plus

    community resource pack


    interstellar fuel switch

    rastor prop monitor

    kerbal joint reinforcement

    patch manager

    physics range exender

    quiztech aero continued


    vessel mover


    im sure everything is installed properly, and i get i feeling mk2 half parts (from airplane plus) are involved in the bug.

  6. PS: im the biggest idiot in the kerbol system...

    ok, its not a bug the vtol wings workin fine, lemme explain.

    the quinjet's wings are forward swept so i turn the standard canard forward back, so when i roll right, the jet will roll left, this confused the sas and made the jet crash everytime. there is no issue with the vtol wing, but with the canard. sorry!!!

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