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Everything posted by Cavscout74

  1. Finally had the triumphant return of my DSEV-04, bringing back 10 kerbals from taking the first steps on Eeloo. Jeb was too good for the automated crew shuttle though, so had to fly himself down on the only remaining interface vehicle - a tiny spaceplane, the Laythe by Xyphos from KerbalX. Pictures will go up later, forgot to upload them earlier & I'm on a different computer now. And apparently I didn't get any shots of Jeb's reentry, just of the crew shuttle leaving the powered down DSEV-04: A big thanks to Angel125 for the DSEV mod.
  2. Went back to my first career & as the Jool return window is getting close, it was time to send home the crew of my Sagan floating base after several years researching Laythe: The Sagan base with pontoon boat: One of the engineers inspected the floats one last time before leaving: Low pass over their home away from home using the Star Ranger from KerbalX by XLJedi: Heading for rendezvous with the Laythe transfer vehicle to swap crews:
  3. Started a new career a few days ago & accepted a poorly read contract to recover Adeny and debris from the surface of Mun. Oops. So the following mess was born from my fevered imaginings. Launched upside down for added fun, with a low altitude flip over after dropping the transfer stage to attempt to land the claw on the debris. I managed to fall over on landing ~100m from the debris, and then the debris rolled itself into the claw without my input. Popped the gear back out & managed to get more or less upright & launched to Mun orbit. Reentry back at Kerbin was.... messy. The heatshield & both skycranes blew up, but my periapsis was low enough for aerobraking - only took 3 orbits to land. Somehow the chutes all survived.
  4. I recently added MOLE after using Buffalo for a while & I kept getting offered research contracts I couldn't finish. I really like the MOLE mod but I've been having issues with contracts not completing and/or not removing the completed contract from my list of current contracts. The first two MOLE science contract I completed I received credit for completing, got paid, got the game mail about finishing them, then still had the contract - with every item checked off as complete - listed as an open contract. Then I had several work normally, so I figured it was just a fluke. This weekend I brought back a lab from Moho with 4 completed experiments for 4 contracts and had nothing but problems. First landing, only one contract completed, the other 3 showed everything done but the last step (land/splash down on Kerbin). So I reloaded my quicksave & tried again. This time, none completed. Tried again - same. After six tries, made a new lab, alt-F12'd it into Moho orbit, did the experiments & alt-F12'd it back to Kerbin orbit & landed. Same thing - everything checked off except land/splash down on kerbin & no credit for the contract. Has anyone else run into this? At this point, I'm hesitant to take any more research contracts, especially since I lost about half my reputation cancelling the 4 that wouldn't complete. Thanks for any help
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