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Everything posted by Rizons

  1. Probably 10 Degrees every 10 Seconds. Haven't tried that yet. I tried connecting the struts to the fuel tank below the decoupler and above the terrier engine, and the wobble reduces but still frustrates me.
  2. The Joint between the Terrier Engine and the TR-18A Decoupler wobbles when I try to do the Gravity Turn to my rocket. Already Did: Strutsss Placing a stabilizer below the Decoupler. Distributing torques to the first stage and second stage. Not having a second stage at all. (But hey, It worked) Its just annoying when I try to do the Turn and the whole rocket wobbles and oscillates, then the mission fails.
  3. This all started when I upgraded to Windows 10. Playing KSP at Windows 8 is butter-smooth. But now, I have to wait for like 30 seconds to wait until the start menu is responsive again. Same thing happens when I quit to main menu. Already did: Compatibility Mode (Windows 8, Windows 7) Running the program as an administrator Running the launcher as an administrator Running in 32-Bit and 64-Bit modes No, I'm not lacking at RAM.
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