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Everything posted by Luc1fer

  1. RCS was off (i only use it to re orientate the station) SAS was ON I’m using autostrunts with root on heaviest part
  2. It's fully asembled, it has 6 or 7 parts! But here you have better pics from every side i took before it exploded 0.o
  3. This is a pic of it when it was completed =(
  4. To start shaking without control (a bug i guess) and get destroyed, this is so damn frustrating that i want to punch the freaking PC out of the window! BTW while i was writting this i found that the ''kraken'' is not fixed after more than 2 years, what type of serious company can't fix a freaking bug in 2 years (or more)? This is both insulting and frustrating, is a plain game-destroyer bug. More than freaking 5 hours to make the damn station, Darn it FIX THIS!!!!!! :mad::huh::mad::huh::mad::huh::mad::huh::mad::huh::mad::huh::mad::huh::mad::huh::mad::huh::mad::huh:
  5. Today it was holiday on Galicia (spain) so i decided to make my first fulll SS, so here we go =D This is pic of the electric module, with an beautiful eclypse at the background! And now the station itself: Here i show the parts! BTW pls help, when i try to take control over the station the kraken attacks =C
  6. Yes, for example idk what the radiators are even for but looked cool
  7. Laythe with the Spectra mod, just beautiful!
  8. (I forgot this is a mission report sorry, noob fail, pls admin move this to mission reports) So here we are again kerbonauts! Yesterday I finally did my first manned Mun landing, but today i did after 3 dead kerbals and 1 probe crashed my 1st successful manned Kerbin-Minmus-Kerbin mission 1-The rocket It's the same big daddy that sent the ''nostromo 1'' to the Mun but with bigger 1st stage rockets to make it have longer range! (Post launch photo). 2-The ''Nostromo 2'' It's a 1 man small transport to Minmus, it has 2 stages, one to land on Minmus and one to withstand the reentry and land on Kerbin. Here it is landed while valentina does a EVA! The landing also was much easier than the Mun, so this only took me a single try, the other 3 kerbonauts died as I miscalculed the fuel and got stranded in the space while going back home, then I decided to do a 1 man mission, much lighter and cheap! 3-The way back kerbin Here you see the ''nostromo 2'' aproaching the earth, as you notice I nearly ran out of fuel, but finally it was enough to change my vector towards Kerbin and land near the Station! Here you see the ''Nostromo 2'' going onto it's last stage! And finally here the ''nostromo 2'' reentrying and landing safely on Kerbin with the station at the background! Tell me your toughs guys and tell/show me your adventures going to minmus and your landers!
  9. It's the ''skycrane'' from the umbra industries mod pack, i don't remember which holds that rocket but you should install the whole mods, they are so useful https://umbraspaceindustries.github.io/UmbraSpaceIndustries/ You know a lot of ksp so... I tried to do a mun lander with electric engine, but this engine seem to not be powerful enough to actually counter the moon gravity, does ksp have some engine which fuel can be refueled by gathering resources into space (not drilling)? Like an electric engine but much more powerful!
  10. Thx for comment, gonna try a second design, when it’s finished gotta show you
  11. There two stages, one lands on the mun (2nd legs) and other on kerbin (1st legs) I explain in this photo, hope this explains you everything !
  12. IDK, i usually try my ships to have good aesthetics and the can looks good
  13. I actually did my 1st docking/rendezvous building a 2 piece station on kerbin orbit time ago, but landing on the moon took me ages!
  14. Hello fellow Kerbonauts! I'm here in the forums again to show you my first sucessful manned kerbin-moon-kerbin travel. Valentina and Bill, my brave pilots went on this risky mission (mainly because i killed 2 kerbals on the first try by slapping the ship on the mun at 250 m/s ) and came back to tell the history. 1-The ship The ''Big Daddy'' is a 3 stage rocket to launch the manned ''nostromo'' into the space and send it towards the mun. (Pre-mission photo) 2-The launch. I launched and went to the left till i was aligned with the mun, then go a circular orbit of 150k over kerbin, maneubred and finally got near the moon, the easy part is done, now comes the hard one, the landing. (Nostromo aproaching the mun) 3 The landing. So i got near the surface and tried multiple times to land, but jumped off the ground 2 times, did a backflip and broke 2 solar panels, 2 RCS trusters and 2 RCS tanks, UPSSSSSS! Finally managed to land! Here you have valentina and Bill doing a moon walk BTW the ship cracked in the final stage, but survived to get back to kerbin! 4- Reentry So this was easy, just accelerate towards Kerbin, survive reentry and PARACHUTES OUT! MISSION SUCCESS!!!!!!!!
  15. If a guy with basic programing knowledge can make a mod about it, are them gonna tell me that a bunch of experimented programers can't? Pls fix this on vanilla =(
  16. Hello fellow kerbaliers! Thank you for taking a moment to help this poor kerbonaut So here comes the topic itself, i was playing 1.3.1 with a set of mods (all about BD armory and army stuff) and i was doing a test with my new stealth plane, to see what distance the AESA radar takes to detect me; I made an anti-aircraft s-400 based vehicle with some interceptor missiles, the AESA radar and other stuff, i moved it to the island next to kerbin main base (the one that has a dirty runway), I moved my stealth plane to like 15 km behind kerbin, that's when the weird things started happening... Literrally set up the autoengage on the ground-air went back to my craft using the ''['' and '']'' keys as always, i aproached the s-400 and i noticed that in the ''vs'' window of bd armory the s-400 was gone, it went to another dimension?!?! I tried again and the same, so i realised than when i get more far away from the ground vessel than over 10km it dissapears without any reason My face when i realised was like :roto2: EDIT: I forgot :roto2: was a spanish meme, here you have a pic of him so you can imagine my face
  17. [snipped for brevity] What mods you use for such cool aestetics?
  18. Just that, with 1.4.1 i can't play most of the mods i like, like BD Armory, how i go back to 1.3.1?
  19. Finally! It was tough, i destroyed 5 times both the parts but in the 6th try i finally docked safely! Thank you all for the awesome tips!
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