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Everything posted by Luc1fer

  1. So i'm a noob, and i've been playing KSP for 1 month and i finally bought it by steam, wellhere comes the topic: I launched the first module of my Space Station (SS for friends) to a round orbit, as round as i could at an stable orbit, here you have both the 1st part of the SS and it's orbit: Module 1 The orbit: Here is the module 2, i tried to get it to the same spot of the module 1 to conect them both together and bring 3 kerbonauts to the SS, but i can't seem to be able to calculate how to be able to get both in the same spot, i always get orbits too far away from module 1: Module 2: Module 2 + Rocket I set target to the module 1 but i don't understand how it works, it has some spots on the globe where you can see grades and i don't know which i must follow... Ty for your replies guys!
  2. What's new' Or where i can find info about what's new'
  3. Here is the plane: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7puvm2uthhr04h2/SP-042.craft?dl=0 I present today, fellow kerbaonauts, the ultra lightweight SP-042 ''traveller plane''. -1 pilot. -Autonomy enough to cross 3/4 of Kerbin before runing out of fuel, and with a carrier plane (will post file later) will cross whole kerbin and 1/4 more. -Can travel at supersonic speed without afterburners continously. -With afterburners reaches up to 950 m/s. It took me 42 days (that's why it's called 042) to design it perfectly, about 34 different models tried the challenge of crossing whole kerbin with assistance of a carrier plane or 3/4 without it, but often they were not superlight, so here it is, enjoy and give feedback.
  4. Just that, i can get easily into kerbin orbit, but all my orbits seem egg-like, not round, how do you acomplish a round orbit?
  5. I think i wasnt rude,but sorry if i offended you
  6. Seriously,how a game with this low end grapighs can lag a PC that runs battlefield 1 on medium grapighs?
  7. Hello fellow kerbonauts! I just installed interstellar mod yesterday and i have two big questions: A:What’s the difference between ISP and trust and what uses each one has? B:How i make the engines work?i mean the mod comes with reactors and other things,but i could not found how to make the engines work,a lot of them just don’t start idk why...
  8. Here you have my finest creation,the worst is that it can about 50 meter before falling to the ground
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