So i'm a noob, and i've been playing KSP for 1 month and i finally bought it by steam, wellhere comes the topic:
I launched the first module of my Space Station (SS for friends) to a round orbit, as round as i could at an stable orbit, here you have both the 1st part of the SS and it's orbit:
Module 1
The orbit:
Here is the module 2, i tried to get it to the same spot of the module 1 to conect them both together and bring 3 kerbonauts to the SS, but i can't seem to be able to calculate how to be able to get both in the same spot, i always get orbits too far away from module 1:
Module 2:
Module 2 + Rocket
I set target to the module 1 but i don't understand how it works, it has some spots on the globe where you can see grades and i don't know which i must follow...
Ty for your replies guys!