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  1. I couldn't find any information about it but, do parts still get worse after they're not new, like the bathtub curve? And if so, is there a way to disable that?
  2. I keep having problems with patched conics, where after my maneuver it says for instance at Duna I should arrive about 200km off, but when i get about halfway between the transfer (No RCS or accidental engine touches) the patched conic suddenly changes to another number, however once I get to the planet it is a whole other number that isn't even close, in one of my games it got about a million km difference. Is it normal for it to be like this, and is there a way to minimize or hopefully fix this problem? The game version is 1.8.1.
  3. I lied, after restarting it again it seems to have worked this time.
  4. I have the same problem, I've installed everything, however I don't have the DLC packs and whenever I tried to load it it kept freezing at "Loading Expansion" and didn't change. I deleted the plugins folder and now it progresses past that but it freezes right before the main menu. I'm not sure what to do.
  5. I have been having trouble getting into another planet/moons SOI, it seems that half of the time the speed that i am travelling is the normal amount, and sometimes it is WAY too much, sometimes as much as 5 km/s. The one that i was going too fast at was anything but the Mun and Minmus.
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