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  1. Just tested new build 749 on LANDING GUIDANCE>DEPLOY LANDING GEAR and the bug remains... landing gear opens ONLY if Engine is the root part (again). otherwise it fails to open gear on "autoland." Hopeing for next build to be reapired
  2. Finally got some repeatable and consistent results on landing with "Deploy Landing gear" active In order to make it work the landing vessel MUST have an engine class as its root part. It is independent of active stage, build sequence, pre-activation procedure, root engine activation...etc.. Just build Your lander and as a final step mark "an engine" on landing vessel as root part. And ... it works. The engine does not need to be active or faceing the right direction ... just be a root part of the lander. (Ref configuration (WindowsPlayer x64) en-us // MechJeb #748 Sarbian / v2.6.1.0) "FLY SAFE"
  3. I have tested this for long time. It is mystery for me. Yes ... it is a bug. I tested many landers in different configuations, diferent build sequence, diferent pre-landing procedures, diferent approach geometry, diferent planets/moons, restarts/reboots ... .... and ... I have ONE ship which works ... and all its next-to-kin modifications actually do open gear (the landing code works OK), however if I build THE SAME ship again from begining.(20x).. those (all) fail to open gear on autoland. It looks like MECHJEB doesnt see the landing gear. ....................................................................... In addition - Yes ... my MECHJEB also have sometimes "stupid idaes" to fly away or miss the picked target by faaaar
  4. Cannot achieve automatic "Depoly landing gear" with MECHJEB landing guidance. I found it on my career 1.3.1 and CKAN listed MECHJEB versions now testing ...clean KSP1.3.1.1891 (WindowsPlayer x64) en-us install /with only mechjeb #748 mod same results. #747 and #748 lands on picked target, "Deploy Parachutes" works, but landing gear stays always retracted. (Kerbin, Mun, Dune... tried difernet ships, diferent landing gears) Bug or I do something wrong? ... online manual is empty ...Help Link: http://wiki.mechjeb.com/index.php?title=Manual/Landing_Guidance
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