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Everything posted by happliy

  1. 估计会有许多意见,我没时间一一转达。晚上,你自己注意看帖子吧。
  2. 1:关于汉化的反馈。 2:我将你的文件下载了,并对EN-US进行了修改,放在了网盘上。 不信你可以看一下帖子。
  3. 谢谢。我一直有一个疑问,货仓那么小,是怎么将大零件放进去的?难不成里面有缩小射线?
  4. 墨西哥传统食物属于KIS的有趣的零件包里的,并不在原版的KIS中,需要另外下载。同样的有篮球、高尔夫等等
  5. @CN_Warren KIS的翻译真的甚至很难啊!感谢付出!似乎中文论坛里只有咱俩是活跃的。东北话见谅 有趣这些零件的反应了作者的脑洞大到哪里去了。另外,KISA作者说什么时候完成也能理解,着急要中文翻译么。 我会在坎吧里帮你转载,寻求翻译意见。问一下,你知道坎吧么?
  6. @IgorZ Why not release the source code? This makes MOD easier to localize.
  7. Great MOD! Thank you for your commitment on this MOD and KPBS. I have a suggestion. You can add a pair of interfaces to dock two cars without a cockpit and a rear panel.
  8. As a Chinese spacecraft package. It really needs Chinese.
  9. @Nils277 I typed it wrong. Should be "docking port" very sorry. I did not see it. BTW thanks for this and KPBS. These are my favourite mods,too.
  10. I think you should increase the vehicle's interfacing to the vehicle to increase the car length. You should also add adapters to improve transport efficiency. The suspension engine's sinicization is incomplete.
  11. My computer is ready for a 64-bit system. Can you tell me if I can play the MOD after my computer has risen to 64 bits? Processor AMD Athlon II X2 250 dual core Video card ATI Radeon 3000 Graphics 4 GB of memory
  12. @Nils277It's still useless, but it's mitigated. After entering VAB, it can last longer.
  13. @ Nils277All three methods are useless. I really like this MOD. But I'm frugal, so I don't want to buy more memory sticks. So I had to give up. I hope you can optimize the MOD to accommodate the low memory computer. I hope you can make more and better mods.
  14. @Nils277Thank you very much. I'll give it a try. I think you can add adapters to make the spacecraft more beautiful
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