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Everything posted by JucheJuiceMan

  1. He updated the article, now its 22.5m after corrections were made.
  2. My email buddy nearly finished the article/analysis... excrements some bricks. http://www.b14643.de/Spacerockets/Specials/Hwasong-15/index.htm
  3. Paektusan is either based on or very similar to RD-250 which isn't staged combustion, I was caught up in such confusion myself and thankfuly I got friendly by email with hobbyist who is extremely informed for being one that to keep it vague a person whoi he knew started own project was controversial due to history of his countrymen and Von Braun participated/assisted the project until death. Something akin to western UR.... Many many stages. That person was impressed by knowledge of the hobbyist. So my email buddy was correct about gimballed and experts reached same conclussion based on released images and videos such as Jeffrey Lewis of ArmsControlWonk.
  4. Titan's engines are gimballed/rotateable and would you look at that, Hwasong-15s engine does the same with difference being Titan has two separate engines while 15 has two noozles/chambers and one large preburner feeding them in one package.
  5. [snip] Hwasong-15 is more like R-36/SS-18 Satan. The engines used for it are comparable as it is the looks, its smaller size road mobile ICBM that isn't limited to silo launch.
  6. [snip] Hwasong-12 and 14 are precursors to 15. Step by step.
  7. I already wrote what Hwasong-15 is from latest available information. Imagine a SS-18 Satan/R-36, now imagine having it 1/3 of it and truly mobile instead of it being silo only missile. Simplest way to explain this is that Hwasong-15 is Hwasong-14 times 2.
  8. They just released pictures... 9-axle truck carries at least 2 meter diameter and at least 21 meter long missile which has two nozzles thus it is complete Paektusan engine with 80 ton thrust thus this missile at least close to 60 tons. If used as space launch vehicle then dare I say it would be as capable as Unha-3 launcher also I am not surprised by full Paektusan being used as 4475 x 950 x 53 was enough for me to consider such possibility. This thing can throw a very heavy warhead, if North Koreans wanted they could have MIRV with 3-4 20-30kt nuclear warheads instead of single heavy thermonuclear. BMD is loveed in that case.
  9. Latest ICBM launch by North Korea, 3 missiles apparently. Vertical 4420km Horizontal 920km https://mobile.twitter.com/RebeccaRambar/status/935604667320553473 Time 53min https://mobile.twitter.com/willripleyCNN/status/935607771742978048?p=v Range over 13000km with light payload https://mobile.twitter.com/ArmsControlWonk/status/935609727987343360?p=v Capable of orbiting https://mobile.twitter.com/RocketSchiller/status/935607214013931521?p=v
  10. It doesn't want to load on me on mobile even in desktop mode on Dolphin browser. Don't have PC anymore. Isn't RD-253(different engine) using gas generator/turbopump for oxygen?
  11. There are people who say it is and others who say it isn't...
  12. UR-700 was designed for direct flight to the moon rather than using LTO approach. Thus more fuel was needed.
  13. RD-270, as powerful as Saturns F1 while around 40% of weight.
  14. Norbert Brugge has released own weight estimate for Hwasong 12 and 14. Have updated the OP.
  15. Iran managed to orbit a satelite before North Korea which has been overambitious while Iran was more methodical with development of SLV technology. Shame that NK didn't try a second time with Paektusan-1 type SLV.
  16. If we want a habitat that can take a lot of people, that would take 50000 to 100000 Saturn Vs.
  17. Far less fuel is consumed thus less fuel is needed to be carried which outweighs the heavier turbojet/fan engine compared to liquid and solids. For example largest CF-6 model thst weights 5-5.5 tons can output 310kN or around 30 tons of force while consuming 8kg of fuel per second for that output. Having 4 of these as boosters and alone they could boost a 80 ton rocket to altitude of 10-15km. There are parachutes that are used to soft land tanks 40-50 tons.
  18. MIR and ISS are proof of ability to assemble relatively large objects in LEO, today we have technilogy to build lighter and stronger airframes while also mastering controled recovery of first soon seconf stage of SLVs. Alternative is using magnetic rails to propel objects to LEO. The best and most long term option is to build space elevator to simplify logistics and to have viable way of delivering resources from asteroids and moon.
  19. Saturn Vs were built in 1960's... If we humans werent such petty selfish being we would have been able to mass produce SLVs capable sending 100-150t into LEO. Our best chance is anyway a space elevator, a one century project.
  20. Paektusan-1 | Length 24m | Weight 21t 1st stage | Length 12.1m | Diameter 1.25m | Total Weight 13.38t | Propelant 11.15t UDMH/AK27 | Thrust 280kN | Burn 95sec Interstage Length 0.50m 2nd Stage | Length 9.4m | Diameter 0.88m | Weight 6.8t | Propelant 5.73t UDMH/AK27 | Thrust 135.5kN | Vernier 4 30kN | Burn 90sec 3rd stage | Length 1.5m / 2.5 Fairing | Diameter 0.88m | Weight 0.57t | Propelant 0.52t Solid | Thrust 44.5kN | Burn 27sec | Payload 0.015-0.02t (LEO 218km) http://www.b14643.de/Spacerockets_1/Rest_World/Paektusan-1/Description/Frame.htm Hwasong-14 | Length 19.5m | Total Weight 33.8t 1st stage | Length 13.4m | Diameter 1.7m | Weight ? | Propelant 26.64t UDMH/N204 | Thrust 394.1kN | Vernier 4 70kN | Burn 151sec 2nd stage | Length m | Diameter 1.25m | Weight ? | Propelant 2.86t UDMH/N204 | Thrust Vernier 2 35.4kN | Burn 235sec | Payload ? | Range 12,000km with <300kg payload? Janes estimates 255 to 360kg weight for North Korean thermonuclear bomb. http://www.janes.com/images/assets/111/75111/North_Korea_bargains_with_nuclear_diplomacy.pdf http://www.b14643.de/Spacerockets/Specials/Hwasong-14/index.htm Unha 3 simulated Unha 3 OSFS Hwasong-12 simulated Hwasong-12 | Length 16.5m | Diameter 1.5m | Weight 24.7t | Propelant 21.32t UDMH/N204 | Thrust 394.1kN Vernier 4 70kN | Burn 120sec | Payload 500-650kg? http://www.b14643.de/Spacerockets/Specials/Hwasong-12/index.htm Hwasong-14 put few dozen or even one hundred kilogram object into low earth orbit atleast as attempt with Paektusan-1 in 1998 at 218km?
  21. I hoped someone who has all necesary mods to have decently accurate simulation could answer that, saw on Youtube uploaded Unha-3 and Hwasong-12. Oh well.
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