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Everything posted by KerbalTween

  1. Am Back after a month and learned how to use this dam forum But still Is There a way to move around the spacecraft you build in 1.3?
  2. Thanks Btw Right Now Just 4 Hours Later Got My 40 ton lifting shuttle to work P.S The Only Mod That I Use its parts are Kw Rocketetry Mechjeb and All the other mods with the other one are used that are not Parts mod With tweak scaled Parachute for recovery O And I Changed It so It would now have nebula decals
  3. can I Be In the Us And can i use Ssrss Stock Sized real solar system It Has the real moon and i have ksc switcher to change launch sites(Btw Am Gonna join Us after the moon race Cause After it the soviet Union Ended Russia was russia again No Other nations And so The Us made a deal with the russia To Give them money and the us helped the Russia Build the Iss)
  4. My saturn Does Not have Scatter effect It Just Has Its rings and Titan for me is Orange Like It should (Every Gas gaint In My game Has No Scatter effect until you get very close to it and not in map view like yours)
  6. Hi Just Got My shuttle In orbit Here It is https://imgur.com/a/tcodt Am Not finshed I Just did it now Now Time for landing VERY SOON At The Ended It Died and Killed Jeb Bill Bob With it And will be rembered After 18 succsefel misson it fails And There gonna Build a Safer Space Shuttle with a higher payload capicty they say and the crew were rivied because of reasons
  7. My Space Station Is In a orbt the pass florida Due to it Being Launched from florida from a rocket Second It takes around the same DeltaV To go to the Moon as The Moon And The Moon Is smaller Then Mun But further P.s I Will Land On Somewhere near florida And I Have snacks Life support and will lift and return My Solar Panel Holder later gonna land on Ksc runway
  8. Hi Am Gonna Do This Soon I Have (Modded But Landed and Launched the craft Unmodded Meaning Not Using mechjeb for the ascent it destroys my space shuttle if i use mechjeb for its ascent And its relible but orbital inserion is mechjeb) I Am Using a modded shuttle from Mk 2.5 Space Plane parts And It Can Lift a limted Payload Its Gonna Soon Add The Two arms for the space station Gonna Do It soon maybe a week at longest due to school P.s I Have Ssrss And It makes Rss 10x Smaller And The Moon Is far away And Its Been Used Multiple times and has built a space station most of the parts of it are from it only 2 are from the rockets And With Another Thing I Have Inclined Orbits Due to me launch from Florida Cape Canveral And Not Equatorial Like You Kerbin Users I Get a harder time Would It count If i Land The Ksc Inclined Ker For DeltaV Readouts and Stock real Boosters for the launch clamp and the white smoke would be vapor vent mod With The smoke from the engines are from real plume And Am Using scatter with eve with trajectores(I Have stage recovery For recoverying booster It does nothing But just says i recovered this thing)
  9. Again The Gas Gaints Scatter effects Go away When Higher then a certain point that used to happen with earth
  10. How can I Make The Ocean As Blue As In Actual Rss? P.S you have to be very close to Get The Gas Gaints Scatter effects Or else No scatter effects Can You Help.
  11. Hi This Is My space Station Not finished yet Need some other stuff pic of my space station https://imgur.com/a/brCj5 It Used The station itself is stock The Things That Bring The crew and the the station parts are modded And I Used a space shuttle And a rocket P.S The Mods for the rocket and the space shuttle and the planet are Planet: SSRSS Rocket:Kw Rocketery Space shuttle:Mk 2.5 Space Plane Parts o And That csm Is Procederal Parts(Made for Snacks Life Support)
  12. Why Does The Scatter Effects Go Away From Less Then Lunar Orbital height for earth and other planets
  13. Why don`t Add The Overheating From The Overheating from the cursed planet
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