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Everything posted by KerbalTween

  1. Right Now am trying to make a robotic arm from infernal robotics and i have made the robotic arm But I Haven`t got something to allow it to attach to other things Can You Please Help
  2. Btw I Checked atomsphere autopilot and it was better then SmartASS Pitch control And It does work in hypersonic flight like in subsonic flight
  3. I Myself i have the same question but with 1.3Does it work in it?
  4. Getting The second STS Mission With a buran space shuttle Style Launching from baikonur for that one Gonna do this week or next week no later
  5. If am Correct This Is A Pm But I Would Like a Patch With the earth and a space shuttle Making a trail (It Looks Like the real american shuttle)

    1. cratercracker


      You are incorrect, this is not a PM.

      Look for a button with a letter as a sign.

  6. Thank You And I Haven`t tried 1.3.1 with infernal robotics at all I Only played with 1.3.1 for a few days and went back to 1.3 with My Old save
  7. Go Get Kerbal Engineer It Gives You stats Of Your spacecraft or about how high and deltaV And alot more Btw Its a Mod
  8. By the way i almost forget Before Apollo 11 The First Probe to mars Was launched Maybe You should have One that says Launch a probe to mars Mariner launched On 1964 Apollo 11 Happened On 1969
  9. No Land and Takeoff from everybody With A SPACE SHUTTLE
  10. The Team Got it Up And On In the SPH For Adding Tiles And Fixing any Minor Damage After That The Made a New E.T For Atlantis And Got The recovered Boosters And Placed The Robotic arm In the side for the payload to fit its a Sat Payload
  11. A Few Hours pass They Did the something Like The second Mission Landing Near By The Runway This time much closer and not On the Hill
  12. And Second Time replying But If You have Done everything Play WITH REALISM OVERHAUL.
  13. After a few days After The first Atlantis Launch They Had the second time they had a crew To Test The Newly Made robotic arm It is Told That It Is Hard to find and Build In a few hours They will return for a runway landing The Last flight til now Was Unmanned and Landed Near By the KSC And Tried to Land at the Runway But didn`t have enough runway space for a landing The Next Part will be in a few hours
  14. No Build A Space Shuttle if you haven`t For Low kerbin Orbit Operations Btw Major Mushroom WHAT ABOUT A SPACE SHUTTLE PILOT
  15. You can Make a Shuttle That Looks Like the real One You Only Need to Clip In Tanks In the front and canards
  16. And Btw This Is My Shuttle that am using currently for Sat launchs Atlantis https://imgur.com/a/a3wuC It can Land And I Will Put Up the Ability to get this craft Recommended Mods are AA Mods Used Is Procederal Parts and Kw Booster and If You Have Stage recovery the Boosters will recover It Can Land Because I Clipped Tanks In the front And One In the back To Balance It Out It Lands greatly If You have the skills And Its stable at Launch and Landing Low torque Is responisble for that Like Only 10 torque for This Config with the sat One danger I Noticed If You don`t Let Your Shuttle On the Top of the Orange Tank At 40m It will Not be Very stable And Mechjeb Manuvers and Normal Are don`t work the best P.S Has rudder Tail
  17. My Saying `Weak People Choose Dream Chaser Over The Harder American Space Shuttle`
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