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  1. Hi, guess im wondering if this is intentional or not, but sometimes the game gets really dim (usually on kerbin) and the terrain almost perfectly blends with the water due to the lighting, using the latest version of scatterer that comes with volumetric clouds. Changing ambient light does work but whenever the terrain lights back up again its blinding so it is not a good solution. I know the ground should dim a bit with cloud cover but this happens even when above the clouds and I was wondering how to disable/reduce this, thanks. Both pics roughly taken at noon: https://imgur.com/a/3v5lk1r
  2. Thank you so much for the reply. After I tried it again using your suggestion, fresh parallax install without the eve configs, I unfortunately got the same issue. I should mention this is on one of the Kcalbeloh mod planets, but its fully compatible and no one else reported this bug in the mod. KSP.log As for the log itself, the issue started at 13:29 in the logs time. As soon as the freeze starts there's a ton of log messages about "Parallax Grass". I even tried hiding the grass that appeared in the ctrl+p config but it still after ~20 minutes of flight the game did the same thing. I was wondering if it would be possible to outright disable the grass that's being mentioned in the logs? I can live without it and the grass seems to be the only thing that's caused this issue for me so far. Thank you for your time.
  3. Hi, I've been having an issue where I'll be in mid-flight over some body (kerbin or kopernicus planet) and the game suddenly freezes up on me and drops to 1 fps with no warning. It happens only when parallax is installed and regardless of my config settings, I even tried turning tessellation off to no avail. Edit: I should mention it normally runs smoothly and the mod works fine until this occurs. KSP.log
  4. You should update this so SVE works with it again, no rush though.
  5. Nevermind, for some reason I forgot to put the "EVO" file in, silly me.
  6. My game just stops loading after trying to load the "Sage" engine in the legacy pack, anyone know why my game is doing this?
  7. I absolutely love this mod, but I'm having an issue with the visuals with this mod, despite having the latest version of scatterer and EVE, all of the new planets still don't seem to have any clouds or improved atmospheres. Any help?
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