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Cheif Operations Director

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Everything posted by Cheif Operations Director

  1. I mean Max-Q is the most likely point of failure I believe but I know what your saying.
  2. I suppose, the economic benefit would be in extra flight data from DM-1 ( this flight) Instantaneous launch window, good grief we all know were this goes. Delay delay delay
  3. Ok let me explain this. In our schedule is goes DM-1, In flight Abort, Crew flies. My point is that if DM-1 explodes AND the LES works data is gained and the In flight abort has already been done. So then the New DM-1 we will call it DM-A will fly with improvements verifying all the systems then the crew flies. Ahh yes a classic unit of measurement in the American Documentary world. The colosseum was X football fields wide, the moon is Z football field wise blah blah blah! Football fields... HA!
  4. Yes but they would have the data from the failure and already verified LES meaning after DM-1 assuming success the crew may fly sooner than normal.
  5. I'm saying if this rocket happens to blow up and the LES works then SpaceX does not need to waste a booster on the next launch and using the data from the explosion could make a better rocket. This is net gain if something goes wrong The Draco's will be used during de-orbit
  6. That would save them money on the next flight if their was a failure. The next flight they are intentionally blowing up the rocket in flight I think and testing the Draco's so their would be some economic benefit The Draco's are on it they just said it
  7. They may not have them installed on this flight and instead have weights but it baffles me as to why, if I remember correctly the Draco's or the only engines right?
  8. I think that the Draco's are shrouded due to aerodynamics because without them they could not do a Pad or In flight abort with the crew.
  9. I mean if they use the parachutes for the Crew then they would not need to test it
  10. they may be shrouded but I thought they were not flight ready I may and most likely am wrong but a thought What are the odds of an abort?
  11. Pathetic! For what ever reason my YouTube tends to load at 360p for this reason only recently have I scene a launch in 1080p That crew arm looks so futuristic! Actually kind of reminds me of a train
  12. The question right now for me is which will win, my excitement to watch this or my exhaustion. Some old German marching songs should wake me up.
  13. When if liftoff and is everything still go? Anyone else launched KSP Dragojs to space to kill time?
  14. It's been a long week, furthurmore as is the nature of myself I'll most likely fall asleep at 1:59
  15. Ha! I'm excited but I do not want to wait until 2 AM, good grief
  16. Imperial all the way (starts humming imperial march) In all serious I know what you mean but it has to due with economics the switch will hurt the economy a lot inititally. Secondly it is part of American "identity" Atleast for some people
  17. On the island airfield in the hangers on considered on the run way. I have a full fighter squadron stationed their but now I cants spawn anything on the island. The only way I can fix this is too move them onto the grass but the terrain is aweful so it would be nice if that did not count as on the runway,
  18. You can use the merge craft option but I would go with the sub assemblies
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