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  1. I was moving my two scientist from a space station to a return pod (Bob and Julburry). Bob survived, Julburry however vanished when I entered the pod. When returning to the KSC it shows that she died? Is there a way to bring her back through the Alt+F-12 Menu? Kerbal respawning is off if that makes any difference in the Alt+F-12 menu. Mods I am using: https://ibb.co/HnrsGsn
  2. Is this okay to do or will it break the save?
  3. Instant failure, which makes sense as its no longer present in the game world.
  4. What do the upgrades "Research" and Devel. (Development?) do? I assume Research increases the rate at which research is done. But I am not sure what Devel. does.
  5. Yeah, that's what I did, and when the satellite reached the Mun, vanished.
  6. Completely forgot about that feature. Woops. Yeah, that mission is a goner, I'm playing with Kerbal Konstruction Time and my next rocket is over a week away yet, and its only a drone. Oh well, its not too bad if I fail anyways.
  7. I just got a contract to repair a satellite. ok, cool. Go to the map screen and notice that the satellite is on a collision course with the Mun. Pardon me? Is this normal? I haven't really played career before. I am playing with mods but as far as I know, none of them affect contracts. Image of said situation: https://ibb.co/5cwZFrr
  8. Sounds like it does what I ask for, will give it a look.
  9. I have seen a couple videos in the past where when an SRB runs out, it keeps sparking and smoking. What mod adds this?
  10. For whatever reason, it is not showing up in the game, not even the little menu on the side. I downloaded Waterfall Core and Waterfall - Restock (And whatever dependencies). I used CKAN. Gamedata Images https://ibb.co/pZvZCV6 https://ibb.co/bKHmY9H https://ibb.co/M1N2vQn EDIT: It does seem to be working actually, but the menu is not showing up.
  11. Any idea what this is and how I could go about fixing it? https://ibb.co/YP97fYK
  12. Do you think you will ever update the adjustable landing gears mod?

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