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  1. I can't see stock missions. I will try to uninstall and clear everything before downloading from steam again.
  2. I like to visually line up my pa's and ap's but this update doesn't allow throttle changes while in this view. Fresh, no mods. Reproduce: Get into a position where you can throttle your ship safely while looking through here and find that it will stay consistent to what you left the previous screen,
  3. Can confirm, EVA'd out of a jet expecting a chute option... There was none.
  4. Funny how the people who are most outraged over this are the people who either do not understand it or didn't read it.
  5. Yes, it will be a ongoing process to optimize the game. Although KSP 1.4.0 uses a newer version of the Unity engine which I have noticed an improved multi threading load on my CPU, evenly distributed all across my cores to remove stutters I used to get on 1.3.1. Memory allocation and management is still a problem that will be not solved any time soon I imagine
  6. I fixed it by using steam verify integrity of game files tool, would of done essentially this fix anyway. Nice writeup
  7. https://www.virustotal.com/#/file/4f66717f59fffe6d4c7689897e2d033f74e09401ee972a954965125e1cd0af9c Steam discussions are worried the new update contains a virus because Webroot has falsely flagged the wrapper for Xbox controller support.
  8. This is amazing, the updated unity engine alone is amazing for modders in the community We are going to hold you to that as well. Lets see how this DLC rolls out and the hot fixes shortly after. This update contains a varied amount of additions and changes which is always welcoming, I hope you keep a consistent release rollover like you have today because this is great. Parachutes are fun, it should have a toggle on the options when choosing difficultly to either start with parachutes or none till upgraded as it removes any threat of losing herbals. While I keep refreshing CKAN repository for updated mods, I do want to note that commitment to the modding scene will be vital in the longevity of this game. This update is fantastic so far, I hope the DLC will bring as much stability (on newly generated worlds as old ones are a bit incompatible) to my kerbals as this did. MK2-IVA-plz-fix
  9. Github hyperlinks to 0.05 release, latest version is 0.10 https://github.com/LunaMultiplayer/LunaMultiplayer/releases/ Discord has links to edge releases
  10. These guys have fixed the issue with time syncing with subspace allocation. Anytime someone warps they are sent to a separate subspace with that offset. People can "Sync" to your time if they wish to see your vessel, or the server owner can allow people to see past vessels. Multiplayer is not impossible.
  11. I was working on this exact idea, thank god someone got the idea working! You legand! <3
  12. Insane work, will this be able to be incorporated with other world packs like GPP, also, can this be used with GalacticNeighborhood to connect these worlds throughout many galaxies?
  13. EDIT: Plugin help fullfilled I have decided to create a plugin that hooks into your Discord via RPC which allows KSP to send status updates for Rich Presence on Discord. The idea being, if you are orbiting the muun, or crashing spectacularly, or boosting at a certain altitude or joining a Multiplayer KSP with DMP, then people on discord will know. The idea being RP will update with images of what moon/planet you are nearest too or what server, if you are using MP then a connection can appear on discord client. [Info on Rich Presence] https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/rich-presence/how-to Credit is given to nostrenz for base idea, standalone RPC version here: https://github.com/nostrenz/cshap-discord-rpc-demo It seems for RPC to work I need to have a compiled RPC client in the GameData/<mymod/plugins/ folder with my mod for it to function, I have used DLLImport and the compile works flawlessly, unfortunately, nothing posts to the console log when using Debug.Log and my plugin does not update my status with the vanity statuses set in MainCord.cs https://imgur.com/RJdYE07 I've made my project publically accessible if you are feeling up for helping out a noob: https://github.com/4669842/KSPCord-1.3.1 You will need to add this DLL for RPC Discord to your compiled version: https://github.com/nostrenz/cshap-discord-rpc-demo/releases (hope to merge into one) IDE is set to framework 3.5, VS says there are no compile issues. For now, I hardcoded the ClientID as I only need a single app to access discord but once I learn how to create nodes and assign key value pairs I can allow others to host their own apps on discord if needed (Once this actually works)
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