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Everything posted by GillyMonster

  1. Would hyperedit be an appropriate tool? I've never used it but maybe it would be faster that vessel mover.
  2. Gotcha. Maybe it becomes a case of "luck of the draw." 3 standard takeoff positions, if they turn correctly, cool. If not oh well. Maybe alternate starting KSC/island each fight? I'm a noob at teh internets so I have no idea what that is... I think google is an appropriate resource right now
  3. Fairly? Like underhanded tactics? Or doesn't beat it consistently? Maybe a tie? Maybe have exbyde run them in 8 v 8 to determine final winner.
  4. I don't get it. What do you mean by lowering your own aircraft? Why does that need to happen?
  5. Uh oh...can I hide with you? Being alone scares me. Anywho. Back to our regularly scheduled dogfight oriented chatter.
  6. I edited the original post accordingly, also will refrain from further ?memification?
  7. What we're all thinking when we see something like: Edit: original video was apparently a no-no. So I'll just stick to Darth Vader for this one...
  8. I should start calling myself Oppenheimer then. "I am become death the destroyer of worlds." Edit: actually I managed to make a few ground vehicles quite capable of destroying almost the entire KSC without nuclear ordnance (and without an unrealistic amount of conventional explosives). I wonder If I can apply any of that to this....
  9. That seems ok to me. I'm just waiting to see a plane that has more guns than actual aircraft parts.
  10. I agree. Generally speaking 4-6 vulcans spread along the wingspan of the fighters on here will pretty much saturate the airspace. You don't even really need any on a vertical axis since the planes on here maneuver by changing their pitch the majority of the time.
  11. So should there be a gun limit? Since it's kind of gone from plausible to ridiculous? I know hidden vulcans represent just what's visible on modern aircraft but a single 20mm gun system takes up almost the entire nose of a modern fighter. Edit: I don't think missile limits should apply since they have countermeasures. There isn't really a gun countermeasure beyond "move out of the way really fast."
  12. I meant for a custom missile using monopropellant. Like if RCS is activated prior to takeoff.
  13. I was trying to build a missile boat from Star Wars with the missiles (sidewinders and AMRAAMs) clustered in a tube rocket pod style and I ran into similar issues. I changed each missile to no drop time, drop direction to forward and decouple speed to maximum and it seemed to solve the missile/aircraft collision issue even during high-g turns. That might fix the suicide issue.
  14. Lol so does the MLRS act like a missile itself with the missiles linked to fire when the MLRS detaches (like a custom missile)?
  15. After seeing the Vampire Squirrel and it's MLRS, I have to ask what the point is (aside from looking awesome like something out of A Mobile Suit series). Can't a weapons manager be set to launch that many missiles from standard pylons?
  16. I think the roster might need to be limited to one entry per contestant at a time.
  17. Just out of curiosity does this competition allow using 3 different aircraft at once if they're designed as part of a system? Like one is designed for target acquisition, one for guns and the other for missiles? Or is that the super/mothership type deal?
  18. Uhh what's up with MLRS? Are people referring to the giant missile box or just making "missile boats?"
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