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Everything posted by GillyMonster

  1. Can tailsitters be tested? Also how do people make drones? Do they have individual AI pilots or just modular missile guidance?
  2. New craft! Thanks @exbyde for testing my other craft (pretty disappointing) Hopefully this will give a better show and fewer issues (if any?). https://kerbalx.com/GillyMonster/Dart-II
  3. I definitely limited their gun range to way too short *facepalm*
  4. I noticed testing a couple of mine, if you switch to a different aircraft the rocking one will almost immediately turn around and be aggressive again.
  5. Has anyone noticed if you focus on one aircraft for too long during a fight it'll straighten out and rock back and forth for a while?
  6. @exbyde Third/fourth times the charm? Stock except tweakscale and BDarmory https://kerbalx.com/GillyMonster/Warhammer-40k-Hell-Blade
  7. Darn. I thought I pulled all the IR parts off. I'll fix it. Sorry about the issues.
  8. It's like my Friday/Wednesday, Tuesday whenever night football. But with gunfire.
  9. The Cookie was so much more epic than I thought. That was awesome.
  10. If you switch back and forth between aircraft while fighting they'll act more aggressively.
  11. Set AOA to about 22-25 and steering factor to about 8, steer damper to about 6. And g-limit to around 14-17. It's a fine line especially with unstable aircraft.
  12. CRAFT SUBMISSION: Updated Hell Blade with standard BD Armory 20mm Cannons (hidden). Shouldn't cause any further problems. https://kerbalx.com/GillyMonster/Warhammer-40k-Hell-Blade
  13. Just to make sure I have it straight, standard BD Armory stuff is ok?
  14. Finally have all the bugs worked out, and this craft comes fully loaded: VTOL mode, variable geometry fuselage, concealed weapons and landing and flight modes identical to the real thing. Craft File: https://kerbalx.com/GillyMonster/REPLICA-Metroid-Prime-3-Gunship
  15. I'm still working on the final product (minutia adjustments, features etc.) but until it's ready here's a 3 hour long video (not counting flight tests, little adjustments) condensed to 5 1/2 Minutes. Hope you enjoy the music. Follow the post to see when I finish the full showcase video and craft link.
  16. It's good to have a couple of each. They generally wind up forcing the target aircraft on the defensive, as they get closer they switch to sidewinders, which keeps them routed, and when close enough or if they run out of missiles they switch to guns. That's why there are so many kills with guns.
  17. That's got me excited to see how my entry fared. And AC/DC in the background was epic! Something that might help, is keeping unused mods in a separate folder when you don't need them. I've got probably around 30 Mods on my computer, I just click and drag them in and out depending on which ones I want/need.
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