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  1. Hello, I installed the mod using CKAN but when i open the VAB unity crashes, I have already tried reinstalling the game and the mods but this doesn't work. Any ideas? message: http://prntscr.com/1pmhef3 log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ow2dlwww547eooj/Player.log?dl=0 video: https://youtu.be/z-LMWxs79DE
  2. So almost a year ago i started these missions, but didn't get far. I made it to STS-2a and forgot to screenshot the landing. I just had to redo the landing because the comsats were deployed. here is the landing of my STS-2a (comsat deployment: date: february 28, page 15) liftoff seperation of first and second stage. achieved orbit de- orbiting over shooting the ksc.. heading for the ksc landing. I hope this is enough because it has been a year since I started this mission. I'm happy to be back and will most likely continue these missions. mods: -dockingportallignment indicator -trajectories -flight engineer -kerbal alarm clock
  3. Well the tech nodes show up but it doesn't show any parts. http://prntscr.com/ipnxiu http://prntscr.com/ipnxmm
  4. I installed the mod but on some of the research nodes it doesn't have any parts that it unlocks. what do i do about this?
  5. Here is my try at the STS-2a. liftoff. separation of the first and second stage. separation of the third stage and making an orbit of around 4 hours so I can deploy the 3 comsats 2 hours apart. deploying the comsats. all 3 comsats are deployed and on a geostationary orbit around kerbin. de-orbiting. and I forgot to screenshot the landing... I hope this is good enough since I forgot to screenshot the landing. mods: -dockingportallignment indicator -trajectories -flight engineer -kerbal alarm clock
  6. Here is my try at the STS-1b. separation of the first boosters and second boosters. orbit and deploying the pod. positioning the pod. re-entering. landing. (had a little accident) mods: -dockingportallignment indicator -trajectories -flight engineer -kerbal alarm clock
  7. Here is my try at the STS-1a. The launch is a bit weird sometimes but still works fine. detaching the boosters and going for orbit. orbit achieved. re entering. and the landing. mods: -dockingportallignment indicator -trajectories -flight engineer -kerbal alarm clock
  8. company name: AB Airplanes Model Name: RJJ-1 (regional jumbo jet 1) price: 328.630.000 recommended cruising speed: around 200-250 m/s recommended cruising altitude: between 1000 and 3000 m craft file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8scl1n34xzpaiyb/RJJ-1.craft?dl=0 This aircraft is very good because it can transport 168 passengers at long distances and at relatively high speeds it has over 70000 m/s of deltaV. The plane is very expensive but if you can transport 168 passengers, it will probaly be worth it. custom action group 1: reverse trust. (it has to use the bump at the end of the runway to get of the ground, can't get it from the ground before that I think it needs about 180 m/s to take of, it may be a bit hard to control at the start but it goes pretty good after a while)
  9. hello @eightiesboi. this is what happens when I click launch: http://prntscr.com/hsbxi3 and this is my gamedata folder: http://prntscr.com/hsby4l I tought the same when i saw this mod makes the game better I think, it's the first time i'm going to use this mod so I hope it works.
  10. I installed this mod but when i click launch it doesn't show up a menu for me to build it and doesn't do anything.
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