Hello there felow space explorers. I´m pretty new to this forum however not so new to KSP. Now to my problem. In screenshots below you can see a rocket. By my design (inspired a little byt by Scott Manley). And there are few problems with it. When I launch it in around 4-8 km it is almost uncontrolable. It starts to swing around and so on. When I successfully arrive at orbit I don´t have enough fuel to get me to the Mun and back I always end up with only fuel in lander. And when I land on Mun I don´t have enough fuel to even get to orbit of Mun. So any suggestions ? I know this downstage can get me to the Mun because I used it for launching 2 satellites around Mun with almost same weight as my lander on this rocket. So will you help me with this particulary hard quest for me ? screens: