Im sorry, my english is bad.
Hello and happy New year, merry Christmas!
I'm playing your mod in 1.0.4 version. It's really awesome! I'm really glad to see some "secret" planet, hided in te past by Kerbal goverment.
But IMHO, there are still need few improvements for compatiblity with other cool mods.
First, "we need a moar science(tm)"! And this allow create vision of really united picture of the celestia body. In result, DMagic orbital science is the on of the research and science mods, that i'm use.
Second, personal kerbal metrics are cool, this add new layer of metrics allow more personal-skill based missions. And FinalFrontier is the best solution for this.
For my chose i created optional config for DmagicDefs and FinalFrontier ribbons with configs here (It's still WIP!). For Kronkus_DmagicDefs.cfg I'm used you pattern for vanilla science and patch from Outer planets mod by CaptRobau, write custom science defs for instruments in my current DMagic version. Ribbons are modified (partitially redrawed) from Outer planets mod too. Because your mod Asclepius has Dmagic science defs and ribbons, i think you can look at my config and after some (grammatical and/or science) rework this patch can be include in main Kronkus download.
What to you think?
P.S. My English is bad, sorry. IDs of ribbons need to change for correct numbers (i'm not found list of used IDs, them write from OuterPlanets mod, and it will conflict with them) In my version Eahpeh rotates around Kersex, in result - some strange ribbon to it; in current version(where Eahpeh orbits around Kronkus) i will edit this for Kronkus only orbit.