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Ace in Space

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Everything posted by Ace in Space

  1. Yes, I noticed this, but mine isn't as bad as yours - it only hangs for a couple seconds, not the whole menu theme's duration.
  2. Got around to testing the improved whiplash jet noises in 1.4.1, and they're... okay I guess? I'll happily take them after the sound effect train wreck that was 1.4.0. Bought Making History and fiddled around with it a bit. Looked at the new parts, which... I've yet to find use for any of them. I was initially excited about the engine plates and service modules, but... eh. I'm sure I'll need them eventually. The structural panels seem particularly promising for building weird non-spacecraft projects later on. I also played a bit with the mission creator, and it looks like I could do some pretty intricate stuff. If I could only come up with plots appropriate to the medium. My only other comment on it so far is that I found the dialogue node to be kinda weird - Gene, Wernher, and the admin team are in there, but... no kerbonauts? I mean, all stock kerbals look alike except for gender and one of now-four suits. It wouldn't have been hard to make a generic male and female kerbonaut and let the mission designer enter a name for them. Maybe even select the suit. I dunno, I just thought it was a bit limiting (though it can be worked around by other "characters" just... not having a portrait and using the text node instead). </twocents> Anyway, while Jeb was at Jade Station in a craft that has a science box, I figured I'd send the science lander down to the surface and hop a few biomes. Right as I'm about to land, though, my monitor decides to absolutely freak out. Naturally it couldn't do this while I was in orbit or safely on the ground. The screen kept randomly going black, then the game would pop up again, sometimes at a fuzzy low resolution, and the blackouts kept getting more and more rapid. Thankfully I managed to land before they actually took over, by which I mean my screen turned totally black and started basically turning on and off and occasionally briefly popping up a message that the input rate was not compatible with the monitor or some nonsense. After a few minutes of spazzing like this, it went back to KSP, so I saved, quit the game, and decided to unplug and plug back in my monitor for good measure. Then I restarted the game. Thankfully this seems to have fixed it. Then, I ran out of fuel getting back into orbit. No matter. I completed the rest of the rendezvous and docking with just RCS and a kerbal getting out to push. Then I transferred the science and Lizlie, the rescued kerbal from last night, onto Jeb's craft. But I also decided that, since I've unlocked the whole tech tree, I don't really need to have two scientists manning the science lab on the station all the time (Jade Station had always had three scientists aboard). So after fourteen years living aboard the station, Lissy and Biluki finally came home. Everyone seemed pretty chill about re-entry. "Oh, look, Biluki! There's fire outside the window!" "Indeed there is, Lissy! How lovely." Rendezvous with their craft and just "park" a few meters away by zeroing your relative velocity. EVA the stranded kerbals and use their jetpacks to move them to the rescue craft, so they can climb in.
  3. Just tested the jets. Much better. My rage is soothed. Unexpected but also welcome! And proof that they care about even the little things. Speaking of the little things, the ugly yellow and white fairing is now just white. I've gotta say, well done, SQUAD! Most game devs would ignore the little complaints like "the new jets sound awful" but you heard us and you addressed the problem. Kudos to you! Cannot stress enough how impressed and pleased I am with you guys.
  4. Clearly, Cammin and Tealla are practicing witchcraft. In space, everyone weighs the same as a duck. In other news, I launched my new solo Mun hopper design. Bob isn't as good at this "piloting" thing as Jeb. On the bright side, only one solar panel was lost. Bob still ended up having to get out and push a few times while in space because the bottom, the one side without solar panel coverage, kept ending up facing the sun. This small hopper is much more efficient than the last few designs, but the lack of a battery limits it to functioning on the sunny side of the Mun. On the other hand, putting the science equipment on the bottom was an excellent idea. Sure, I could turn on the way up and discard it on older lander designs, but this one I can drop before I even turn on the engines. Meanwhile, I re-purposed the Jade Station science lander to pick up a kerbal for a rescue contract - a much needed scientist! Brought her back to the station to wait for the rescue craft to come and pick her up. Docked the craft and called it a day; return trip can wait until tomorrow.
  5. While everyone else is losing their minds over Making History, I'm just gonna let it sit a couple days - steam sale doesn't end for a little while - and wait to see what other people have to say about it before I spend any money on it. I had quite enough of the "jump on the new expansion as soon as it comes out" during my World of Warcraft days, thanks. In the mean time, I launched another probe at Dres and this one actually had enough fuel to get onto the intercept course, so we'll see how that works out. Launch window for Duna hasn't opened up yet, so that whole ordeal is on hold for the time. Figured I'd do a couple more Mun missions, so I designed a more compact and hopefully more efficient surface hopper, but I haven't launched it tonight.
  6. Are you out of power? Are the solar panels inside a cargo bay? If your craft is unmanned, does it have a connection?
  7. Speaking as a programmer: You can never detect all the edge cases. You can probably come close if you set "I don't know what you're doing" as the default state and then only show things if you've established that you do know what they're doing... but some edge cases would probably slip through under one of the "good" categories.
  8. I'm probably just opening myself up to get flamed here, but I'm totally with @Starman4308. Just because something's in the EULA doesn't mean they're going to do it. Heck, the company I work for has an entire chapter in the licensing section of our software EULA dedicated to specific rules of use concerning a license type that doesn't even exist. We have never used it. We aren't planning on using it. But for whatever reason, it's in the EULA. What's going on here, it looks like, is that Take Two uses the same EULA for everything. Which means that the EULA needs to cover anything that is applicable to even one of their games. This way their legal team doesn't need to give themselves a headache maintaining multiple legal documents, which I imagine is quite a bit of work. What that means is that KSP's EULA now has contents that do not apply to KSP, but they're in the EULA anyway because they applied to, say, GTA. The panic here seems to stem from the logic that: EULA says they can collect X, Y, and Z. There's no way for them to get X, Y, and Z within KSP. Therefore they're using methods outside of KSP (i.e. spyware) to collect X, Y, and Z, because otherwise it wouldn't be in the EULA. Except maybe collecting X, Y, and Z applied in some other property they own, and they just didn't bother to pull that bit out of the EULA for KSP, because again, they recycle the same EULA for everything. And by the way, I can absolutely confirm what some people have said about SQUAD not being able to clarify the EULA. Their lack of response should absolutely not be taken as an admission of "guilt." I've been one of my company's software forum representatives, and we are not allowed to make any kind of comment on what the EULA actually means, or anything that could potentially be taken as a legal statement, because we're not lawyers, and we might phrase something in a way that can be used as a legal loophole because we're not speaking legalese. We're only allowed to quote parts of the EULA verbatim to say "here's the section you should read" or in some cases take it to the legal team and let them get back to us to tell us exactly, word for word, what we need to say. I would say that spreading the unsubstantiated claim that Squad/Take2 has put spyware in KSP, or is going to put spyware in KSP, could be considered slander (or would that technically be libel?). EDIT: I looked it up, and since social media posts are written, they would indeed be considered libel, not slander. But it's basically the same thing anyway.
  9. Did a little more Mun science gathering for the heck of it, nothing too special there. I decided that I didn't have enough scientists, since all of my kerbals are typically recruited through rescue and therefore I basically get a totally random assortment of them, regardless of what I actually need. So I decided I'd just go hire some. My camera probe reached its maneuver node, where I discovered that it... doesn't actually have enough fuel to go to Dres. I've designed another probe for the purpose of tossing at Dres, but launching it will have to wait.
  10. Yeah, that kinda bugs me. Stock displays how much delta-V we need, but not how much delta-V we have. That strikes me as rather silly. It's like if an RPG showed you how much damage you were taking but didn't display how much health you had.
  11. I got my last bits of Kerbin science (not counting all that "splashed down in the mountains" type stuff that I don't intend to collect) and went to do some additional Mun exploration for good measure. With all of my tech tree nodes unlocked, it's more about completionism than anything else at this point. I initially designed a rover, as much for looks as functionality, and tested it near KSC... It looks neat and drives well, but I got to thinking... the Mun's a big place, rovers don't have autopilot or time warp, and I have a short attention span. Maybe this isn't a good idea. So I just sent a rocket powered hopper instead, but the design proved less efficient than hoped and also I... may have forgotten to put a part on it for access to biome-KerbNet. So that mission got called home early - still got a good amount of science boxes checked off though. In other news, I've decided where to go next: Dres. But here's the thing... Dres is kinda boring. So the hope is that I can get all the science in one go, and never have to return. For reasons stated above, driving the whole thing with a rover is not really an option. Which means that I'll need to ensure that whatever craft goes there has enough fuel to bounce from biome to biome and then get home again. Since it's about the same size as Ike, I could set up a mining base and orbital station to enable these exploration efforts... but that's an awful lot of work to set up a station I hopefully will never return to. But wait, I've heard Dres has a bunch of asteroids near it! That might enable a unique approach. So I redirected my infrared camera satellite to intercept Dres - or rather, changed its plane of orbit and set up a maneuver node for it to intercept Dres - so I can get a good sense of what's going on over there. That way I can plan exactly what I want to do. Then I did some standard maintenance... adjusting CommSat orbits, shuttling fuel to stations, etc. Onyx Base is just not in a workable state. The solar panels are just flat out incapable of powering it. I've designed a tweaked version of the central fuel tower that has fuel cell arrays, which I intend to send at the next launch window - which will be in roughly a year. I will also send a new fuel truck that has a lamp on the front, because driving around on the dark surface in anything but direct overhead sunlight is a pain. But I think Serena, the base's engineer, is going to need to hit level 4 for the new setup to really be effective rather than just treading water so to speak. There's a science lab on Onyx Station, so she can level up without going back to KSC, but she needs to get a few more experience points, and it seems like the simplest way to do this would be to land her on Duna. So I think when said launch window comes, I'll send another Ruby mission, with an empty seat. They can pick up Serena from the station before they land and drop her off again when refueling on the way out.
  12. I think you're reading more intensity in what I was saying than actually existed. It was not panic, just confusion - I couldn't tell if there had been an actual change in behavior or if I was just being dumb and forgetting/imagining something. I'm well aware that I can move the engine inside, and perfectly content to do so; I was only saying that it was more convenient when it could be done automatically. As for the nodes, that makes sense, but not being familiar with the exact mechanics of the underlying programming, I wasn't sure whether a change to one behavior would have to necessarily affect the other, and since nesting isn't clipping, the change in nesting behavior could be anything from "unintended side effect of fixing clipping" to "necessary sacrifice." I was only pointing out that the change wasn't made specifically to stop nesting, as the comment I was replying to seemed to imply.
  13. I just read that post and that's not what it says at all. He was talking about donut tanks clipping into each other. Putting a smaller object in the hole is not clipping.
  14. Well I sure am glad to hear that. I hope this change wasn't intentional and will be fixed. What's the point of having a hole in the middle if you can't put stuff in it?
  15. Okay, I could have sworn it used to be possible to nest small objects inside the donut shaped tank. Now I can't get things to go into the middle, just on top of it. I tried putting the tank on around the objects, to similar results - it just sits on top. Is this a bug? Have I just forgotten the trick to it? Have I simply gone stark raving mad and started imagining things?
  16. I retired the old KSS space station in orbit of Kerbin in favor of the newly-constructed Kerbin Space Station II (yes, I spelled it out this time. Looks better on the map), with its fancy new fuel tanks. I have decided that all orbital fuel tanks should be orange - at least partly because it makes it easier to see the docking ports in darkness, since I seem to have an aversion to putting lights on my crafts for some reason. That said, KSS was actually a manned station - Charlie lived up there. So before pulling the plug on KSS, Val took the Pendragon (now equipped with a drone core for biome detection but otherwise unchanged since last you saw it) out on its first real mission. The spaceplane docked with the old station, drained all of its stored fuel, which wasn't a whole lot, since it was never really intended as a proper fuel station but more "in case of emergency, dock here." And, of course, picked up Charlie. "Get in, loser; we're going to the new space station!" They went straight from there to the new station in a slightly lower orbit, where Val dropped off Charlie. Then it was back down to Kerbin, because it was easier to just take off from KSC again with a full tank than to try to switch into polar orbit from equatorial orbit. The reason I needed to go into polar orbit being to collect some "in space" science from the polar biomes (tundra, ice caps, etc) and the badlands. In other news, Pendragon still looks kickS in re-entry.
  17. I tweaked the SSTO I was working on a little more. It now has batteries, solar panels, and a docking port - gets to orbit with slightly more fuel left, too. I also fine-tuned the fuel/oxidizer ratio. And I tested its ability to deorbit and land, which works like a charm. Also, it definitely looks like a dragon now. To give it a suitable name that still fits with the knightly theme of the other planes, I've named it for King Arthur himself: Pendragon I. I'm not really sure how I'll maintain that theme once I start sending planes on missions to other planets/moons, which use a gemstone theme. I guess it'll depend on how specialized they are.
  18. Yeah, I saw that myself earlier... The textures have actually improved, but now the mesh seems to glitch out really easily. Either that or KSP has turned into DBZ.
  19. @Punslinger Okay first of all, I love your name. Second, I think you've put it best. You conveyed more clearly what several of us were trying to say than anyone else. Well done.
  20. Today I build my first SSTO. It hasn't got its official name yet, and won't until I deem it finished, and still needs some tweaking in order to be viable as more than a proof of concept. But I did it. Something about it kinda reminds me of a dragon for some reason. And yes, it uses RAPIERs. You may remember a while back I stated my initial impression of RAPIER engines to be that they were sporks (tried to be two things and sucked at both) and I hated them. For this opinion I basically got burned at the stake, or at least that's how it felt. So naturally, I'm going to criticize the RAPIERs again, because I apparently haven't learned not to poke sacred cows. But I am also going to say that I don't hate them anymore. I will open by saying that while I now understand why people use them, and have presumably learned how to effectively use them myself... I still think they're sporky. But you know what? So are paladins in WoW, and that didn't stop me from playing one for seven years (RIP World of Warcraft account). Paladins can tank and heal, but they'll never be as good at either as a warrior or a priest - their strength lies in the fact that priests can't tank and warriors can't heal. It's the same deal with the RAPIER. Jack of all trades, master of none. I stand by some parts of my original assessment - as a jet, it's inefficient and heavy; as a rocket, it's mediocre and heavy. It's also kinda ugly. And it embarrassed me on the forums. But despite this, I have learned not to hate it. Yes, it's inefficient and heavy, but it's also very powerful as a jet. That doesn't necessarily make it the "best" but it's a factor to be considered, especially in the context of SSTOs. But the power wasn't what convinced me not to hate it. Yes, it's all but necessary for an SSTO unless you're a really advanced builder. But finally achieving an SSTO by using it wasn't what convinced me not to hate it. Yes, embarrassment over an incident on the forums is a completely irrational reason to hate an engine. But acknowledging that fact wasn't what convinced me not to hate it. No, what convinced me was that as of today's patch, the RAPIER, unlike the Whiplash or the Panther, doesn't sound like a vacuum cleaner being strangled. And that is a powerful motivator to forgive it indeed.
  21. Well that's because it was jagged to begin with. But the texturing on it is much smoother than it was. I posted a comparison earlier.
  22. It's not just Mission Control. It's also Administration, R&D, and the Astronaut Complex. And sometimes I hear a snippet of the music when I'm leaving the building. I have submitted a bug report. While we're on the topic of bugs, is it just me or are the icons in Administration lower resolution now? I just put mine on the Technical Support forums. But yeah, I see the same problem on Windows 8, only for me it's the left half of the left column rather than the top half of the top row.
  23. @RoverDude Dear Squad, Nobody likes the new Panther/Whiplash sounds. Sincerely, Ace.
  24. I just updated my game to 1.4 on a Windows 8 operating system. I have never had any mods installed, and everything was fine last night, so I can only assume that 1.4 introduced these problems. First, I no longer hear music in Administration, the Control Center, R&D, or the Astronaut Complex. Sometimes when leaving I hear a very brief snippet (like a couple beats long) of the music that's supposed to play in the building in question. VAB, Tracking Center, and Hangar are fine. Secondly, it looks like the icons for policies in Administration are lower resolution now?
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