I've been playing KSP for a little while, and I've been occasionally coming to lurk here on the forums, but the other day I had something of a revelation about Kerbin and wanted to share it with the community, so I decided to finally make an account. Sorry if something like this has already been posted at some point, but as far as I know this is new material. Now, before anyone comes in with "it's a space sim game with no plot; they weren't trying to design a world with a history or reasonable geography. Stop overthinking it!" - I know I'm overthinking it. But overthinking it can be fun - or horrifying, as the case may be - and overthinking things is what I do best. So why not share it with the community?
Anyway, let me tell you a bit about the extinction of the dinosaurs. You've probably seen it depicted in movies or on TV, but chances are what you've seen pales in comparison to reality. There's a pretty good half-hour documentary here if you're interested, but what I'm trying to get at is the sheer horror of the impact event and its immediate aftermath.
66 million years ago, an asteroid 10km (6 miles) across slammed into what's now the yucatan peninsula at around 80,000km/h (50,000 mph). The air around the meteor would have briefly been hotter than the surface of the sun, and obviously anything in the immediate vicinity of the impact site would have been incinerated on the spot. When this asteroid hit the water, it caused tsunamis at least 100m (330ft) high as it plowed through to the seabed below, and sent shockwaves through the planet that likely caused worldwide volcanic eruptions and massive earthquakes.
It kicked up a massive amount of debris into the atmosphere, including a lot of sulfurous material due to the location of the impact. This debris was thrown high enough to spread around the world. Then the heavier stuff began to fall down, heating up during atmospheric re-entry and causing a rain of fire that lasted hours. The surface of the earth heated up to oven-like temperatures (I don't need to describe what that would do to any animals that weren't able to take shelter). The heat was so intense that forests around the world may have spontaneously burst into flames.
Meanwhile, the lighter debris stayed up high, along with smoke from fires and volcanos, blotting out the sun. Estimates vary on how long this lasted, ranging from a few months to a year, but during this time, whatever plants survived the firestorms would have been unable to photosynthesize, cutting off the food chain at the base. The high amount of sulfur in the atmosphere would have caused acid rain on a massive scale, acidifying the oceans and further crippling the food chain. Even after the skies cleared enough for sunlight to filter through, the world still suffered a sort of nuclear winter that would last for about three more years.
This catastrophe wiped out about 75% of all life on earth. For the sheer scale of the devastation caused by the impact, the crater seems underwhelmingly small.
So what's all this got to do with Kerbal Space Program, you ask? How about that giant crater on Kerbin that you've probably never given much thought to?
That. Is a big crater. But Kerbin's a lot smaller than Earth, so it's not as bad as it looks, right? To get a true sense of the scale, I 'shopped together a picture of Earth and Kerbin to scale, based on their average radius as listed on Wikipedia and the KSP wiki respectively. I then overlaid that map with the crater outline onto Earth. Now, it's hard to see either crater at that scale without zooming in, so I drew a red circle over each.
Consider the sheer devastation caused by the impact that left the chicxulub crater. Consider Kerbin's size relative to earth. Consider that the crater on Kerbin is roughly the same size as chicxulub.