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    Los Angeles
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    KSP and other games.

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  1. Thats a shame, maybe one day it could be possible to release a version that has its own separate modular star systems, but like you said, that sounds like a lot of work so I won't bother you with it. Do you know of any other star system mods I could add that are stand-alone?
  2. Is it possible to only install a few star systems like Nova and not have the kerbol system + a tonne of other stars without planets? And if it is possible how would I do it? No hate, I think this mod has a tonne of potential I just personally prefer a stock system plus a few other systems with planets
  3. Just try reinstalling, none of the parts were even showing up for me and I reinstalled now it works fine...
  4. I was wondering if I could get a little help from the people that are quite good with the EVE system, I've been tinkering around for a while making this config, just to test out to see if stuff worked. I converted a couple of textures to .DDS in photoshop and wrote a little config giving commands for a Kerbin Cloudlayer and the volumetric clouds (I may have borrowed a little code from SVE) super simple but for the life of me I can't figure out where I went wrong. I'm sure its one of those stupid errors that only somebody else can point out so I've built in the config and there is a link to the mod file below. Link to mod test file: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/2/folders/1OO4JBrM63L9A1qW41SSNB6FW8-uIfyT6 Where in te config did I go wrong?
  5. Sorry about that! Although I'm not sure ***damn is an inappropriate word for 13-year-olds? I might be wrong but...
  6. Sorry about that, new around here! I mean often collision issues or just bugs in lighting or whatever can occur because of Kopernicus I think. Mostly just general unpolishedness is what I'm referring to.
  7. Wow, this actually looks pretty amazing for a planet pack! I'll try it out, does it have any of the issues that all the others seem to face.
  8. Damn, good work! Is there any chance of later adding a sort of glow? Like an atmospheric glow off Kerbin. That's just a personal preference but overall great work!
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