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Io Michael oI

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Everything posted by Io Michael oI

  1. Please someone help, have tried all control presets, cannot duplicate, holding/pressing b during launch does not work as should, rb and lb shortcuts not working. It's nigh unplayable unless using long way around for everything. Is anyone else experiencing this?
  2. My controls for delete, rotate lt/rt, time advance shortcuts and others are just not working. I have deleted reinstalled new gamed tried to go to sandbox science mode settings. Nothing works the controls just do not work. Outside of Vab/sph lt/rt work for zooming in and out so I know it's not the controller. Launching just a command pod I can yaw pitch rotate zoom etc no problems there but for shortcuts and construction the controls don't seem to work I am on Xbox one KSP enhanced edition.
  3. Switching between vessels disables all controls of vessels, have to go to tracking station and select vessels this way. Upward pitch stops working completely mid flight. No hud marker for target (distance indication). RCS flickers on and off during use. Time to node indicator is wrong sometimes. Fine tuning does not work. Placing parts in symmetry mode places them in the wrong place most of the time, replacing fixes the problem but urrrrgggg. Please fix these main game breaking issues. I love kerbal and waited far to long for it to still not work.
  4. I have also had this issue when trying to drop my satellites off in keostationary orbit once I drop the first and switch to it to circularise after switching back, dock mode is enabled and I can't change it back or have any control of any vessels No target information is shown on hud when trying to dock or rendezvous, can only use map mode to monitor target distance, etc. Can't see the target at all until right next to it, this makes rescue missions really annoying as I am doing them completely in map mode. Autostrut also doesn't seem to work and fine-tuning maneuver nodes doesn't work either
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