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    Newark, DE

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  1. Greetings!! What are the best IVA's out there currently? I would love to fly missions completely from the interior. Thanks for the help! Kurt
  2. Random question, and I apologize if this has already been answered. I flew a quick mission to the Mun the other day. I landed the LEM and began a quick EVA. When I tried to get my Kerbal back into the LEM I had a lot of trouble. I was given the option to hit [F] to grab the ladder which worked, but then was unable to climb up. I ended up having to enable the jet pack and basically jump up to reach the hatch. Then I had trouble activating the to board. It took me 7 minutes to get back inside. Is there something I am doing wrong? I'll try to make a video or post pictures if needed. Thanks!!!! Again absolutely love this MOD, one of the very best I have come across. Kurt
  3. This is beyond awesome!!! How much bribing and begging will need to take place to convince you to also do the CM IVA
  4. This is absolutely the best news ever! Thank you for the info. The Apollo program has had a special place in my heart ever since I was a kid. I fly jets now in the real world. That is as close to space as I am getting. I wish there was a legit Apollo sim out there. For now KSP is good enough.
  5. Greetings! First off, thank you for such a great mod! I was wondering what options are out there for a CM or LEM cockpit/IVA? I would really like to fly missions from inside and not an exterior view. Thanks for for the Help! Kurt
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