This is a thread that is completely focused on the console version of K.S.P. I started this request thread because I feel that it is unfair that us console players are restricted from mods from a game that has one of the best mod support. So in this thread hopefully it's reviewed and considered by the devs is a list of mods that i think should be added to the console edition as stock parts and features.
K.A.S (Kerbal attachment system) so players have better attaching options.
K.I.S (Kerbal inventory system) so players can have more inventory items
BD Armory continued to give players more diversity with flight. Giving them more things to do with space planes.
Hullcams vds because what is space without telescopes. And cameras are everywhere now so let's bring kerbol to the 21st century.
Magic smoke industries Infernal robotics so that we can have more robotic parts an control over them.
B9 Aerospace and airplane plus giving the player a wider variety with space plane parts
Kerbal planetary base systems giving the players better base modules to build on planets
Feline utility rovers for better Rover builds.
Tac live support (as a difficulty option) to give the players a more realistic space travel experience.
If you support this notion please leave a list of your own requests or comment about why certain request should or shouldn't be.