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Posts posted by TLTay

  1. Can we get a gamers nexus documentary on this? Where's tech Jesus when you need him?

    3 minutes ago, Pthigrivi said:

    So we've finally devolved into physical threats and racial epithets? 

    I must have read right past it? Where? 

  2. 2 hours ago, m4ti140 said:

    I'm shocked you're even running the game through Steam to begin with.

    I'm not. I keep my installs in seperate folders. But point being that not everyone out there already owns the game or knows these things.

    41 minutes ago, Infinite Aerospace said:

    What mods? The modding scene for KSP2 has been a ghost town 

    I was talking about KSP1. A future IP owner could take action to restrict mods to milk the complete KSP1 for DLC cash to fund KSP2 completion. Probably won't happen, but I have to put on my best Mr Burns impression when thinking like a suit.

    22 minutes ago, jclovis3 said:

    The game is still titled with "Early Access" so I have to ask, earlier than what? Does this mean we can still expect to see more production? A Google search for "jobs intercept games" shows at least 3 job openings for a "UX Designer", "Senior Software Engineer, Graphics", and "Lead Designer" suggesting that maybe the top end of development is being replaced and when they are, they will be responsible for any personnel  changes down the pipe.

    As it stand, it still has fewer features than KSP, and none of the new features promised for KSP2 other than perhaps the training simulators and new wing construction. The added parts (or at least the NERV) could probably be slipped into KSP just as easily.

    Google must have old results indexed, because there's zero listings for jobs at Seattle. https://careers.take2games.com/jobs

    Unless you've got breaking news about intercept being moved to a new city?

  3. 2 minutes ago, Kerbart said:

    More like an attempt, before the lights are turned off, to leave a product that although it is a turd, will at least be left as a warm turd. With steam coming off it.

    That and to remove any company-specific stuff to try and sell it to someone else.

    Keep an eye on KSP1 for an update to remove publisher info???

  4. 1 minute ago, MARL_Mk1 said:

    I mean, it's literally a DRM-free game for which you can choose which exact past version to install or make infinite copies of in your drive. Even on the hypothetical scenario on which KSP1 got updated again (which really won't be the case) you could continue playing on your desired version with your desired mod versions just fine.

    That's only if future owners allow this. They could "update" in a blocking of mods, a drm system, and only one version available to download if they want to farm it for DLC.

  5. 52 minutes ago, KerbalOnKerbin said:

    Seems like a pretty solid final update. RIP KSP2, you were meant to be but greed strikes again.


    I hope that they scrap the sequel idea and keep updating KSP1, but it's unlikely with the mass layoff.

    Please! NO!

    Do not update KSP1 anymore!

    It's finally a solid, constant base to mod off of. Updates will hurt more than they help!


    Besides, if they sell the IP, the update you get might be to block mods so the new owners can sell DLC packs.

  6. 29 minutes ago, Brofessional said:

    The dev branches on Steam continue to be updated, so someone is working. The question is whether or not any work continues after the end of June.

    I read somewhere that these were automated uploads of development builds. I guess we'll find out, but at the rate the team was working the whole time, you can't really expect more than a few minor changes in the month or less before they're official jobless.

  7. 6 hours ago, Brofessional said:

    You'd have to really believe in the IP to spend the kind of money they're presumably asking.  It would be a long term investment, but my guess is that they would discontinue KSP2 and salvage what they could into a KSP1 remaster. After that they would be in a good position to start fresh on a new successor, be it KSP3 or whatever. Hopefully utilizing some of the experience learned from doing the remaster.

    It sucks for everyone who paid for KSP2, but early access is a gamble like that. Sometimes you lose.

    Still stuck with the tarnish of KSP2, and that will forever be attached to the little green men. Easier to just not pay the millions at this point and do your own IP.

  8. Might want to reassess even considering buying the game. They just fired the development team and there are strong indications the game may never be finished. It is currently in a poor state.

    Besides that, I think that computer is well below the minimum spec, so even functioning at all is not guaranteed, and probably would work terribly if it does work at all.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Scarecrow71 said:

    Prove it.  Prove that it's already happened.  Show me where it has been stated the game is cancelled, or dead, or abandoned.  You do that and I'll join your side.  Until then, I'm of the mind that it's all speculation.

    If it's not any of those things, they would have had Nate come out RIGHT AWAY and spell out in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS that it wasn't over, development is continuing, here's our plan, etc.

    Instead, they're being "cute" about it and dodging direct questions with legally precise language that doesn't inform one to the future of this product.

    You want closure, but closure has legal and financial implications that management evidently is unwilling to accept.

    I can't think of a game that was released to early access just to be shelved for a year or two and then was resumed later, can you? Sounds like wishful fantasy.

  10. 1 hour ago, steveman0 said:

    K^2's various posts have touched on this already so this is probably redundant, but it comes down to we're in a high interest rate economy and T2 is burning money very fast right now. They don't have enough cash cows lined up to fuel new development.

    The return on investment for KSP2 is longer term. They're better off putting it on hold to slow their cash burn rate until something like GTA6 comes out putting them in a position where they are so flush with cash they'll need to find ways to invest it with a good RoI. At that point, it would make much more sense to invest more heavily in finishing KSP2 in light of what they know now in terms of the scope of remaining work. This is much more sensible financially than to continue racking up debt on it now when the return on investment is further out than originally hoped.


    They've got 2 years worth of development left to do on this. They can scrape something off the bottom of someone's shoe that will reap more sales than this dumpster fire would after its ratings drop to 25% after 2 years in hibernation.

    You just reeeeaaallly want it not to be over, but it's pretty obvious it's over. And no, they're not going to say as much because they want a "future release" on their books due to the GTA delays.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Scarecrow71 said:

    While the analogy might be valid, we aren't talking about some guy who left us at the altar.  We're talking about a billion dollar company whose product we purchased.

    And I'm not stuck at some bus stop waiting for something to happen.  Whatever is going to happen is going to happen, no matter what you or I think.  My point is that we haven't been told anything, so anything you are thinking is pure speculation.  Just because I happen to not buy into it doesn't make my point of view invalid.

    I bet there's a small group of fans behind every abandoned EA title just hanging in there waiting patiently and hoping...

  12. 1 hour ago, PDCWolf said:

    I can imagine some accountant or analyst looking at how KSP2 got

    • 7 years of time in the oven.
    • Had to fund an entirely new studio over what possibly was licensing issues (or wanting to keep more money inside by making it a subsidiary).
    • There was literally no game as the date approached, they only had a tech demo that barely worked and required top hardware to be playable.
    • A massive media event where they flew in youtubers to play.
    • A full year+ of development.
    • Another media event for the first "mainline feature update".
    • Literal hours of high production video footage as interviews, feature episodes and what not.
    • A very aggressive marketing campaign.
    • Having had to kill that marketing campaign because it was more harmful than good for the product.
    • AFTER ALL OF THAT, the game only got 1% the sales of the original, and a dubious rating, which is now even lower.

    That analyst or accountant, even in their very first job or with 20 years of experience, would've looked at that and gone "who thought this was a good idea?" before crossing it out of the list.

    KSP2 has such a horrible performance compared to its budget that really, I doubt we'll ever see anything about the IP, not just anymore KSP2 but the whole thing will probably never be touched again.


    It was a colossal disaster that they only didn't cancel in the first place because they knew they could dump it into EA to recoup part of the cost. 

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