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Everything posted by Gilead

  1. Hello! I would like to play a modded KSP with MKS. I have installed a few mods using CKAN. My game is version 1.12.3, CKAN tells me MKS max game version is 1.12.9, so it should be compatible, yet I do not have the checkbox on the left to select MKS for install, as if it was not compatible. What should I do to install MKS, other than download it and install it manually (which I will do as a last resort)? Thanks in advance.
  2. On your screenshot we can read "Joint broke under the force of 0.00" That 0.00 is weird, no? It's like saying that the joint broke under no force.
  3. In steam, go to steam menu (top left), then settings, then In-Game and you can change Screenshot shortcut key.
  4. Well, you don't select every part one by one. Your select a part and the welding will weld this part and all its children, grandchildren etc. So you design your wing like you did on the second screenshot, hit the welding icon, ctrl+click on the "root" of your wing, and hit [weld it]. You then have to reload the game and the wing will be available as a part in the category you chose when welding it.
  5. Well, if you try the welding mod, I'd be very interested to know if it worked or not.
  6. Yes, that's the mod I was talking about! (I don't know how to link mods, sry) I remembered it had parts that can't be welded like RCS or science experiments, but I was sure wings were not on the list. I should have checked, sorry.
  7. Hi! Maybe you could use the welding mod to weld all the parts of the wing together. That way, your wing will act as one big part and won't break, I assume. I say this, but I have never done it, it's pure speculation. Worth the try I think.
  8. I'm on Windows, but I'm pretty sure it would work the same way on Mac. 1) Locate you KSP folder 2) Open the save folder 3) Open the folder with the name of the save where your ships are (the science one) 4) Open the Ships folder 5) Open either the SPH or VAB folder, depending on which building you built your spacecraft in. 6) Copy the .craft file of the ship you want to copy (file name will be the name you gave your ship) 7) Paste the .craft file in the corresponding folder of your target save (the career one)! The ships will be available in your new save, but you're gonna have to unlock the parts.
  9. How do you get a Kerbal missing without him being dead ?
  10. I believe the radial mounted chutes add more drag to your capsules, thus slowing them more than the capsule with only an Mk-16. Also, I would suggest that you use the 2 kinds of chute (normal and drogue chutes) in conjunction. The drogue chutes slow less but can be deployed at higher speeds, slowing you enough for normal chutes to deploy safely. Also, on a unrelated note, your ship is way too powerful at launch. It would be more efficient to fire first only the side boosters and engage the middle one after depleting and getting rid of the side ones.
  11. Thank you very much! It works almost fine. Almost, because if I put the rcs on the circuclar parts of the HubMax, it behaves normally, but if I try to put it on the little triangles it goes trough. Nothing that can't be solve with a little use of the move and rotate tools. So problem solved. Thank you again.
  12. Hi everyone! I am currently in the process of designing a space station. I use a Rockomax HubMax Multi-Point Connector as core. I wanted to add RV-105 RCS Thruster Blocks on the HubMax, specifically 8 RV-105 on the 8 triangle-shaped faces of the HubMax. That was the idea, but when I try to add RV-105s on the HubMax, they won't attach! Is it normal behavior? Is there a way to circumvent this? Thanks for reading me.
  13. Maybe you can gain fps without changing your pc. For example, the welding mod allows you to merge parts together, to lower the part count, and thus improving fps. Maybe you can try it before spending money? But if you do want to upgrade your pc, personnally, I would choose an i5 of the last generation, either an i5-8400 or an i5-8600.
  14. Hi, people, I asked about it on the KER thread, and jrbudda explained it. It is normal behavior after all. His words: So now we know.
  15. Oh! Thank you! I didn't see it that way, now I understand.
  16. The badS flag is not an actual flag. It's an attribute in the game code that says "this kerbal is badass". It basically means he is never afraid, and you will see him smile even in the most dangerous situations as it is clearly explained in the wiki.
  17. Oh! That's what I didn't get. I thought both the M4435 and the surface scanner were for the spot. Seemed quite redundant. Thx. But anyway they give the same value now.
  18. I know that. My question was not about the M700 but the other two.
  19. Whether I click on this button or not, the surface scanner says 13.53%. I restarted my game and now the M4435 agrees... Both say 13.53% (and not average anymore). So, I guess it's 13.53% ^^
  20. Hi! I have looked on google for answers to my question, but I didn't find anything relevant. So, I wanted to do some ore mining (a first time for me) on Mun. The M700 tells me that there are 2 good spots (see screenshots). Logically I send 2 rovers, both equipped with a M4435 and a surface scanning module to choose my future mining facility's spot. I drove the first rover for a while around the northest spot, and both scanning parts agree, telling me there's between 14.30% and 14.50% ore in the area, which is great apparently (see screenshots). The problem is the rover on the second spot (the one near the equator). The M4435 tells me theres only 8.98% ore when the surface scanner tells me there's 13.53% ore (see screenshots)! Which one should I believe? Thank you for reading me.
  21. Hi! I've encountered strange KER readings! (I talked about it here). I made a launcher for a rover. The launcher had normal KER readings, then I added the rover on top and the readings changed and became weird! Here is a screenshot. We can see that the stage with the poodle (S2) has 1.79 TWR and 0 dV, whereas the rover has 3771 m/s dV! This happens when the root is the launcher probe core (RC-L01 Remote Guidance Unit above the fairing). If I change the root to the rover probe core (RC-001S under the docking port), the readings change and become normal. Note that in both configurations, the ship works fine.
  22. It was a root problem! I re-rooted the ship and selected the rover's probe as the root instead of the launcher's probe, and the readings are normal.
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