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Everything posted by Petrovich

  1. Just downloaded the original and updated my Orbital Research Facility design, and now this!
  2. Just out of curiosity, while it can be effectively replicated with the Voyager and Cassini parts, are there any plans to add Mariner Mk. II specific parts down the line?
  3. Played with a replica X-20 Dyna-Soar and launched a satellite https://imgur.com/a/uWUvs06
  4. Does anyone know of any mods or addons that add parts for the 1970 monolithic space station concepts?
  5. It was actually because I was getting board with the first shuttle design and wanted to build something based on the Shuttle II concepts The extended bay was thrown in as a bonus
  6. New shuttles, new station, more fun! STS-5: https://imgur.com/a/xRAYBaH STS-6: https://imgur.com/a/irHdzKj STS-7: https://imgur.com/a/i8CNQD9 STS-8: https://imgur.com/a/wX4EFEv Mods: Cormorant Aeronology Bluedog Design Bureau Munar Industries Infernal Robotics
  7. It actually glides pretty well on those canards, however I may add parachutes in the future for convenience's sake. I might attach it to the space station later down the line to act as a CERV
  8. No mission report yet, still working on the space station but here's a demonstration of a new shuttle I'm working on: https://imgur.com/a/zMfrHLV Based mainly off the shuttle II study from Johnson Space Center
  9. Thank you. Something to spice things up! KerbinSide Remastered, landed at "Baikerbanor Space Center" hence the Buran-style shuttle Looks like the Krussians have some 'splainin to do.
  10. Really should've checked the control surface hinges after drying them out. STS-4/STS-4R - https://imgur.com/a/FltgU4g
  11. Note to self: Get more batteries. STS-3: https://imgur.com/a/obUCKjo Mods: Cormorant Aeronology Bluedog Design Bureau CactEye
  12. After clawing our way from the shady dimension, we got back underway STS-2B: https://imgur.com/a/9a1jTR5 between problems with the arm, numerous attempts to reenter a several ton payload, and getting hurled into the zone, I think we should've just let MulletDyne handle the situation Also, would this work for the Skylab for STS-4T? Mods: Cormorant Aeronology Bluedog Design Bureau Infernal Robotics
  13. Phase I was the configuration I was planning on assembling on STS 5-8. The others were pretty much just for fun. I'm curious of where refueling at the station at the beginning or end of interplanetary missions stands in the rules.
  14. Funky, I like it! So, I was trying to complete STS-2B and was gonna use a manipulator arm (built from Infernal Robotics) to capture it. However, the magnet ate too much power so I detached it from the pod and started moving it to the default position. Then this happened... And every time I reloaded, everything looked like this... Note: Be careful with your robotic arms or they'll catapult you into some nether plane from which there is no return. Also here is my design for the upcoming space station: https://imgur.com/a/L0fC7uu Inspired by the Freedom space station design and this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUdeun-ChJw
  15. I have an assortment of screenshots https://imgur.com/a/LzEotWg I think they're ripe for the reimagining.
  16. (MFA going back to check the rules) So we fired our old mission planner and got one that could actually pay attention to the parameters. STS-1B **DOUBLY CORRECTED" - https://imgur.com/a/XqCzhRh Bilwin Kerman - "Well that took longer than it should. They'll probably ask us to take it back down after we get back." We also launched some communications satellites STS-2 - https://imgur.com/a/W9ybEhR
  17. So I went back to get the screenshots needed, and found that I accidentally used some of the monopropellant in the fuel pod on ascent. SO, I redid the mission a proper STS-1B **CORRECTED** - https://imgur.com/a/HkJckNn STS-1B **DOUBLY CORRECTED** - https://imgur.com/a/XqCzhRh Sorry for the goof
  18. With a couple of SRM's, this thing can lift 40 tons fairly comfortably STS-1B https://imgur.com/a/QewvDHi Corrected version: https://imgur.com/a/HkJckNn Doubly Corrected version: https://imgur.com/a/XqCzhRh Mods used: Cormorant Aeronology Bluedog Design Bureau
  19. Just found this challenge, but I love the idea of it! I was inspired by this Grumman concept using S-IC stage variants: http://up-ship.com/blog/?p=13574 STS-1: https://imgur.com/a/6rolcAu Mods used: Cormorant Aeronology Bluedog Design Bureau
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