I'm new to KSPI-E, so sorry if I'm asking something stupid. I launched a craft with pebble bed reactor + thermal ramjet nozzle, window in VAB showed that radiators are enough to cool everything, electricity is supplied. I successfully flew from LKO to Eve with ~800kN thrust (I manually restarted and shut down the reactor a couple of times during the flight, if that matters). But now despite my reactor being active I no longer get any thrust. Reactor control shows low power (though there is some), nuclear fuel is stored, I don't see any reason for it not to work. Also, I can't shutdown and restart reactor now for some reason. One more possible factor is that I have KAS fuel pipe from reactor stage to another, because it didn't do through decoupler (I had some issues with that, but after several attempts it worked). What is the problem?
Other mods: IFS fuel, KAS, MechJeb, Hyperedit.
screenshot: https://ibb.co/eHNoER