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    Rookie Kerbalnaut
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    Bakersfield, CA

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  1. Anything, you say? Even, hypothetically, a bunch of EAS-1 External Command Seats inside of a fairing? :>
  2. Thank you for the quick reply. You saved me a lot of testing, which is a huge pain on console. My only remaining concern is what would happen if I were to assign the toggle for both the landing struts of the main rocket and the small landing gear for the rover to the same action group. I don't know if it's been patched, but I heard about a bug where doing such a thing procs both actions even after the two craft are separated. I assume if it's still an issue it would only do it if they are within physics distance of each other. Or even worse, the sub-vessel doesn't inherit the action groups of the parent vessel, minus the devices it's no longer attached to. My actual use of this (on craft with science experiments..which is almost everything) is to use CAG 1 for running every experiment on the vessel. If I were to test this on my current rocket, I'd have to do that for both the science station and the science rover and hope it only runs the experiments attached to the currently controlled vessel. Although if this bug is still present I'm sure this "spooky action at a distance" could be exploited somehow.
  3. I'm currently designing a multipurpose rocket destined for Minmus. It's actually a ship, a science space station and a science rover, all on the same rocket. The issue I have is that there are not enough custom action groups (CAGs) to cover all the things i need to do on all three craft. I had a few ideas for workarounds but was wondering if anyone could save me some time and maybe explain how things work behind the scenes. I'd considered that building the science station and science rover as separate craft, configuring the CAGs and then merging them with the main rocket might store the CAG configuration for later when they separated and became independent spacecraft again, but I don't know if KSP is that sophisticated. I'm also unsure of the exact behavior of the preset action groups (PAGs). I know that the game automatically adds things like toggles for landing gear and lights to the appropriate groups, but even when there is nothing visible in the RCS action group, it toggles all relevant devices on/off. Does it only do this when nothing is explicitly added to that group or will it always do that in addition to the actions added to it. Do any other action groups act that way, as well, such as Stage? I just don't want to find out mid-mission that activating the Stage action group will blow off a stage in addition to whatever other actions I configured in that action group. Thanks in advance for any insight.
  4. @gompasta mentioned making sure the landing gears are not backwards.I'm playing the Enhanced Edition on PS4 and by default when you attach landing gear to the fuselage the lights are shining towards the front of the plane. Is that right or should I turn them around?
  5. Unless they magically find a way to offload some of the physics calculations to the GPU.
  6. Thanks for the fast reply. What did you think about my suggestion? I'm assuming the default save that it tries to load is the persistent save. What would happen if we were able to choose which file gets loaded within a playthrough, as if we clicked the load save button while we were already playing?
  7. I can't select the persistent file. It fails to load as soon as I select my career save.
  8. Not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but here goes. This morning (I've been sleeping during the day lately) I ended a marathon play session of collecting science and surface scanning on Mun with a new rover I designed, worked well except for hitting the odd random bump while driving. I took a break to watch Netflix, came back an hour later to continue and found that my save couldn't be loaded. I don't remember if I exited to the main menu before closing KSP, or if the game was saving when I did so, not that it should matter if the game keeps a backup save while the save operation is finishing like it should be doing. At least I have Autoupload turned on and I only have to go back to yesterday morning's save. Still lost a lot of science and surface scans, not to mention all those hours. What I'm wondering is how the game loads save files. Is it loaded from the save named "persistent" within each playthrough, or is it the save with the most recent timestamp? I'm thinking if it's the former, a workaround could be to allow players to load something other than "persistent" in the event that that save is corrupt, such as a quicksave or other manually named save file. Maybe the persistent save is the foundation and the other saves build on it, like a differential backup.
  9. I'm pretty sure the issue is either coding and memory management efficiency or all the physics the game runs. My PS4 internal is a Samsung 1 TB SSD and still lags just like you described in the OP. Someone said something about it being an issue with the garbage collection stage of the language used to write the core code, which is, essentially, when memory is released by the programming language for variables and objects that are no longer being used. Which is probably why it happens during events ranging from turning the camera to flying at Mach 3+. Objects constantly being brought into and out of focus among other things.
  10. I always tag my posts, Console, PS4, xboxone, and other people posting about console do as well. And I STILL get PC advice. The only issue I have with a badge to identify users of different platforms is that it doesn't really provide a different solution than just tagging a post with the relevant platform (eg. Console, PS4, etc). It depends on someone noticing that detail in the first place. Up until recently, it was assumed that every question or issue was for PC. Changing the size or shape or the color (tagging or badges or sounds and flashing lights, actually that lost one might work) of whatever will tell people who are reading the OP which platform the issue is related to won't do much to break that habit. Not quickly, at least. Which is why I suggested a separate forum for console. It's like when people drive to work and don't remember the trip. Or installing a door and the knob is on the opposite side as the light switch (personal experience) so it's behind the door when it's opened. Ya STILL reach for a light switch on the wrong side of the door that's not there! By contrast a separate forum would be like having to go through a completely different door to answer questions of different platforms. It's conscious action as opposed to autopilot.
  11. Is it just me, or has anyone else launched a vehicle only to find that the wrong crew is in it after you manually assigned which crew you wanted in it AND saved that vehicle afterwards? I'm like, no KSP, I'm not an idiot, stop trying to replace my scientist with a pilot! Is this intended behavior or a bug? #HalfwayToMun
  12. There is most definitely a Toggle RW option for all parts that have a Reaction Wheel I the Action Groups. On a related note, I think I've found a bug with the Toggle Wheel Mode action. It only seems to work once. If a wheel is on Normal, it will switch to SAS Only but then it won't switch to anything else thereafter. Not with the Action Group, anyway. I have to change it manually after using the Action Group for the first time. Can anyone else confirm this? This is really annoying because I tend to bury Reaction Wheels (or parts that include RW functionality) inside a rover, for example, underneath other parts, making it difficult to simply open their Part Action Menu later during the mission to change it manually.
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