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Everything posted by kevnuke

  1. Nor will I entertain forum politics. I believe the Squad staff who replied already answered how they are different and why things come up on one system and not another. Maybe people who have no idea what a console controller hook even means should refrain from commenting about things they know nothing about. Like I do when I see people talking about a subject I don't know anything about. Asking to learn more about something is one thing, but having a firm opinion about something you don't understand is foolish.
  2. Nope. The OP wasn't directed at you.
  3. That's what I was trying to say from the beginning. Any time you change the layer connecting the core code to the end user you get a different scenario. New quirks pop up from the core code, the console firmware, the interaction between the two, and unexpected user actions. Thanks for the update news btw. Do his 6k posts make him a moderator, or Squad staff? Hmm didn't think so.. Anyway the topic of this post wasn't about tech support. I don't know why people keep pointing me to the console tech support sub-forum. I only brought up the crashes to point out that the console and PC versions are not the same game on a different system and therefore should have separate discussion forums. You'd think the PC users wouldn't want questions that are for console cluttering up the main forums, geez. Sue me for wanting to keep things organized.
  4. Yup! Which is why I couldn't figure out why you felt the need to add your opinion when someone more qualified already replied.
  5. I'm not stupid or blind. That sub-forum is on the same list as this one was. If I wanted tech support I'm sure I could find it if I gathered all of the skills and experience I've gotten from both of my computer science degrees and programming, just barely. I wasn't asking for opinions from average people, I was hoping a moderator or someone who actually had the ability to create a sub-forum would see my suggestion. And it isn't just "ostensibly one patch behind." The code for console and even between consoles has to be implemented differently even for the same functionality as you get on PC, which is why they needed help to do it. It was a complete rewrite. So no, it's not just PC version 1.2.2 copied and pasted onto console like most of you would think. Which is why I pointed out that my game is crashing regularly and yours probably isn't, and didn't even on the version I'm playing. Something that might be fixed for you in that version might not be on console and our code could, and from what I've seen and heard, does, have bugs for 1.2.2 that you didn't even see. Frankly, I don't see where people who aren't console players even think they're entitled to an opinion about a separate sub-forum for console. It doesn't affect you, it affects us. I'd rather not wade through forums where 99% of it isn't relevant to me just to find what I'm looking for, and neither would you. The whole point of forums and sub-forums is to organize information so that people who need it can find it easily. Otherwise, why have sub-forums at all?
  6. My game crashes at least once per day (usually more) from random things, like clicking a menu button or changing views, etc. Does yours?
  7. I was thinking with all of the PC versions and the outdated advice associated with the older versions that may not be accurate for console version 1.00 there should be a sub-forum just for console Q&A. I search for info about some topics and all I can find are threads that are years old from several major versions previous to what the console edition is based on. Console players wouldn't have to wonder if the advice they're receiving is current or not.
  8. I kinda feel like this should be pinned in the tutorials sub-forum. Btw, which PC version was this for, and is this info applicable to the console edition? Was this pre or post-1.2.2 "Loud and Clear" or no?
  9. Do you guys get notified by Sony whenever a crash report (the screenshot and video clip after a game crashes) is submitted to PSN on the PS4? Just wondering how much they keep you in the loop. Please make it so that we can simply customize every button/action to whatever controller button or combo we want, like War Thunder does. The camera and maneuvering controls are infuriating and counterintuitive.
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