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Oraldo revak

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Everything posted by Oraldo revak

  1. My first time trying to make a "Ksp Film". Hope you like it .
  2. Yes , i was afraid about that, because yeah i'm French. I would try to find a english speaker to correct thoses problemes , in some future project. Or if you have any Grammar checker website to give , i think it will do. Thank you for taking the time to watched my video. @steuben
  3. Pocket : I couldn't make Jeb die.. He is so iconic. ps: i don't know how to answer to you directly . I am a Noob here
  4. Hy folks, i made a little Ksp "Movie" don't know if i can call this like that. Just wanted to have yours opinons thanks. ps: I don't know if i have the right , to do this kind of publicity of this forum , so sorry if it's forbidden
  5. KSP: 1.2.2 Windows 64bit Problem: Mars entry glitchy. My ship start spining and become uncontrollable after pass 124 000 Km. Mods installed: https://ibb.co/eCHKuR https://ibb.co/jpJg8m https://ibb.co/gZMvZR Reproduction step : Start Mars entry , in any angle it start spining , and become uncontrollable. I've try dozen of ship , with wings , high rcs power. Pod with heatshield are less glitchy. Log : Can't find it sorry Thank you for your time. Ps: Sorry for my bad inglish , i'm French.
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