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  • About me
    Director of the Penguin Space Program
  • Location
    At a model rocket launch
  • Interests
    Playing KSP and No Man's Sky, Building model rockets, playing piano. Not telling you my age.

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  1. I make a new hill in a cave under the irradiated crater. Over thousands of years, rock is gradually added, and it bursts through the top. My hill poking out through the top of an irradiated crater
  2. Yet another cliffhanger... You've got to stop! Just kidding... I love this story! ___________________________________ / / / / | | | | ______________________________________________
  3. Are there any good tutorials for making planets with SpaceEngine? I found one but it's outdated...
  4. I love this! Just a one request: Can you please make multi-way adapters for 3.75m? It's really annoying (and removes structural integrity) when I have to use adapters and the 2.5m modules.
  5. Hello everyone. I haven't been on these forums in a while because my school blocked the website under the category of "gaming", and I don't usually check them at home. They unblocked the forums, but I forgot to add the tabs back. Also, I was in Ecuador for the past week on a school trip. But I'm back now!

    1. The Minmus Derp

      The Minmus Derp


  6. where are you?????

    1. HansonKerman


      Good question. They haven't been on for like a month.

    2. TeslaPenguin1


      Hi, I'm here. I haven't been on these forums in a while because my school blocked the website under the category of "gaming", and I don't usually check them at home. They unblocked the forums, but I forgot to add the tabs back. Also, I was in Ecuador for the past week on a school trip.

    3. The Minmus Derp

      The Minmus Derp

      what about discord? can you revitalize your server? I'm still hanging on!

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