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Everything posted by Barzon

  1. You don't start building something before you finish designing it. not in this development style.
  2. What you're thinking of is the Vast station, which is not being built by SpaceX, although SpaceX do have fairly significant involvement in it. Nonetheless, this is the Blue Origin thread, not the SpaceX or Vast threads.
  3. Not sure what you mean, this is a station so most of the development is not going to be highly visible like say, Starship, & they did say they completed SRR in April last year - https://www.orbitalreef.com/news/srr-milestone
  4. and speaking of a Blue capsule, confirmation from SOMD that Blue are in fact still working on a crew vehicle also Orbital Reef PDR is scheduled for FY2024
  5. There's also Clipper, Project JARVIS, their Next Generation Space Transportation System (Which I would assume is or is closely related to New Armstrong), and a few other things.
  6. Slides from yesterday's New Horizons update from Alan Stern at the May OPAG Meeting:
  7. Forgot to post when it happened, but on the 11th and 12th of this month, the MEPAG - Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group, held meetings of which I attended the 2nd day virtually. Amongst other things, there was an update on Mars Sample Return, stating that they had successfully performed test firings of the MAV 1st and 2nd stages, as well as the MAV PDR, both in the week before this meeting. It was also restated that there is a flight demo of the MAV, currently planned for next year out of Wallops. Slides:
  8. from this job listing: https://blueorigin.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/BlueOrigin/details/Lunar-Navigation-Flight-Software-Engineer---Advanced-Development-Programs_R32802 Another few interesting extracts: from https://blueorigin.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/BlueOrigin/job/Seattle-WA/Avionics-PCB-Layout-Engineer_R31684, from https://blueorigin.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/BlueOrigin/job/Seattle-WA/Senior-Systems-Engineer--Lunar-Refueling-Phase-Lead---Advanced-Development-Programs_R27203 and from https://blueorigin.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/BlueOrigin/job/Seattle-WA/Crew-Systems-Display-and-Controls-Lead-Engineer---Advanced-Development-Programs_R30843
  9. Return Powered Flyby starts in just under 100m, @ 1400 UTC / 0900 EST. RPF burn itself is at 1643 UTC / 1143 EST, with closest approach at 1642 UTC/ 1142 EST
  10. 1. All of Gateways' modules are Cygnus based, except for the PPE which is based on one of Maxar's commercial satellite buses. 2. Gateway will require small, but regular correction burns from the PPE due to NRHO not being an entirely stable orbit.
  11. I'm not sure Apollo did anything but direct atmospheric entry, but Orion will be doing a skip-reentry Orion Spacecraft to Test New Entry Technique on Artemis I Mission | NASA
  12. I really hope they share a video of Orion's party mode at some point.
  13. TJ Cooney made a good video on this topic. They've got 2mbps downlink speeds from Orion, at least on average. And yes they are using phased arrays on Orion. They've got 4 on the CM. Here's a cropped image of one of them:
  14. no ye my bad I misread the friggin quote. rip. feel a bit stupid now.
  15. Aged like fine, fine milk: Battle of the Heavyweight Rockets - SLS could face Exploration Class rival - NASASpaceFlight.com
  16. @tater @adsii1970 @darthgently Artemis II will have 4k livestream capability via the Optical Communications System.
  17. I really hope someone's imaging it. It was done during Apollo.
  18. If you can get it working, theres this: https://www.nasa.gov/specials/trackartemis
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