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Everything posted by Barzon

  1. Will you make a matching crew access arm for 39A with the SpaceX crew arm? It could be a configurable part so players can fit it to their craft, so it can be used with rockets other than Ghidorah 9/Heavy?
  2. Banned for banning @RealKerbal3x
  3. @damonvv could you share a save file with a basic layout of the launchpads? Because I love this, but can't figure out where to put the launchpads? Thanks
  4. Its called the GNC (Guidance Navigation Control) bay.
  5. I love how the official Squad account doesn't even have 5 dots.


    1. Finchy_McFinch


      Hello Squad, when will "To Vee or not to Vee" (Nice name, by the way) be updated to KSP?

  6. I didn't know where to ask, so I thought this would be the best place to ask, but I wanted to know if anyone could make me or help me make a module to put certain stock parts in their own category?
  7. @Nertea would it be possible for you to make heat shields with hatches in them to use with the new pods in NF Spacecraft?
  8. Thank goodness for this. I hate having to hide the stock parts, then having to un-hide them everytime I need a decoupler. Thank you @Nertea
  9. So can this be used in stock? Sorry, if this appears rude.
  10. With revamped parts such as the LV-N shown, could there be a side-by-side comparison, with their stock counterparts.
  11. Will the solid boosters and 3.75m revamp be included in this?
  12. Are you meaning the image directly above? And why do you have do be so rude. I was trying to be polite, and not exentuate this conversation, and was hoping that you would would do the same.
  13. @Gapone Just so you know, some people might think you are being rude. Maybe add some reasoning behind your statement.
  14. But atleast they are trying to make it Mars capable. Because like @DAL59 said, NASA is not spending any money on actual crew vehicles with a possible chance of them going to Mars.
  15. Is the Chromebook the laptop you dropped? And @The_Cat_In_Space and @Ultimate Steve, you guys are so luck to have school chromebooks. My school only has old, clumky laptops from like 8 years ago.
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