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Everything posted by Lithobrake

  1. The Munar Hop Tamara’s arms were getting sore. She hoped all FAST-NAO missions wouldn’t be like this, but she was doubtful. The worst part was, she would have to fly the next one. This was outrageous, (and walt was complaining from the ground that this was “cheating” and a rescue would be “cooler”) and after over 30 EVAs to lower Acerak 6’s periapsis into the atmosphere, the pushing was complete. And as the weary spacecraft flew home, a meeting was going on on the ground. “This is ridiculous,” said Gene. Half of our missions end this way. We need looser margins. “To be fair,” said Walt, “This is pretty BadS.” “Oh, Ok,” said Gene sarcastically. “When she gets back and her arms recover, Tamara will be deliberately stranded on the mun for better interest!” Walt nodded enthusiastically. It was at this point that Mort butted in, “Gentlekerbs, we need to think in the long term. If we keep doing this, we’ll lose the public interest. I propose the following: all missions must have better abort procedures, and larger margins of error. Also, on Acerak 8, i propose we test a personal parachute” And thus, the first law of FAST-NAO was passed by the committee. Tamara, also did not burn up, and neither did Frotop, her rescuer. And next, Tamara flew a mission to rescue the scientist Lacergal. They used a different launcher, and it took two tries. On the first try, Tamara lost control. She bailed out, fell into the ocean, and got FAST-NAO 18,000 kerbucks for going 20 feet into the ocean. The second try succeeded, and a larger margin of error was in place. One thing of note about the new launcher was that it had a booster that fell into the atmosphere, and blew up. There was no junk left in space! Finally, Acerak 8 went to Minmus to rescue Hancas. It was successful, and it flew by the mun on the way back. Podgun also made it home from minmus and got ~500 science from the orbit. FAST-NAO accepted contracts to rescue Elon from kerbin orbit, and build a minmus station. Jeb testing the parachute Here is a shot of the Acerak 8 booster during reentry: FAST-NAO is getting faster... now (dumbest outro ever)
  2. Oh, and BTW FAST-NAO stands for Federal Administration of Space Travel and National Aviation Organization. Gene Kerman Maintains The acronym was not made to sound cool. The Three Flags
  3. Hey, both of my followers have commented! Thanks, guys! Also, update: More grind rescue missions (won't be recorded), and Munar Rescues coming soon! I recently acquired Frotop, Fredgun, and this guy:
  4. Chapter 1: Acerak Program Jeb studied The planet Kerbin as it slid below him. He felt a twinge of Jealousy that Val would be getting the glory for rescuing his mission after a simple design flaw had crippled it. However, the crafts rendezvoused successfully. The rescue was required because Acerak 1, Jeb's first craft did not have the torque to hold retrograde. It spun around and acted like a missile, slamming into the ground when It reentered. The new craft had more torque and electricity. The reentry went well. To the ridiculous amount of drogues, the chute deploy caused the crew do pull 18.5 gees. Jedediah and Val received commendations, and soon Jeb was back at it, and rescued 3 kerbals. FAST-NAO decided that it was time to go to minmus, and so, Podgun, one of the rescues was chosen for the honor. Upcoming: More grind rescues, and maybe some landings. (And Yes that was a very, very short chapter, but I wanted something on here)
  5. The first chapter is coming soon! I just have to play a little. I'm currently working out a rescue mission...
  6. The (Mis)adventures of FAST-NAO The Three Flags Hello! This is the story of my newest career: FAST-NAO. A space program just taking its first steps into the final frontier. The program names are all inspired by Dungeons and Dragons: Here are the mission logs so far:
  7. It is possible to talk to people on Duna with a telephone.
  8. Thank you! I actually made this account because I wanted to make my own fanfiction (which I'll get around to someday)
  9. Hi! I've been reading this story since the summer! I really like it, and good job!
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