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Everything posted by Lithobrake

  1. It is a rover. The nuke is to generate energy.
  2. It is sol 1, my dudes.... Also- how long until I get to hack pathfinder?
  3. D&D memes
  4. Thank you! I've tried turning auto strut off, but it didn't help.
  5. I recently docked two large structures to each other in LKO. No matter what I do, they always get the wobble of death, and explode! I've tried turning off SAS and Quick saving, but They need to be able to turn, and go to Duna! The part count is 479. Help!
  6. Update: Chapter 7: Preparations... Note: This is a summary, and I don't have screen shots... The Kerbs were getting ready... to go to Duna!!! Currently, floating in the sky, was a small space station, with landers, a rover and more! These were exciting times... (sorry, I know I haven't updated much, but I've been on a hiatus from ksp, but I am back!)
  7. OMG, what if the Kerbals went underground to hide from the war, and the destruction above is why there are so few visible structures on kerbin!
  8. Wow! Glad to see how many people responded to my thread! I currently play 5e D&D. MY favorite classes are Paladin, Ranger and Rogue.
  9. I was wondering if anyone else on the forums played D&D, and If anyone wanted to discuss it here/post stories.
  10. Does your job mean that Characters can no longer complain about landing gear?
  11. Noooooo!!!! Does this mean HSP will be over soon!? I want Moar!
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